Associations to the word «If»


IF, conjunction. Supposing that, assuming that, in the circumstances that; used to introduce a condition or choice.
IF, conjunction. Supposing that; used with past subjunctive indicating that the condition is not fulfilled.
IF, conjunction. Although; used to introduce a concession.
IF, conjunction. (computing) In the event that a statement is true (a programming statement that acts in a similar manner).
IF, conjunction. Whether; used to introduce a noun clause as the object of certain verbs.
IF, conjunction. (usually hyperbolic) Even if; even in the circumstances that.
IF, noun. (informal) An uncertainty, possibility, condition, doubt etc.
IF AND ONLY IF, conjunction. (logic) (mathematics) Is equivalent to; implies and is implied by; is true and false in the same cases as.
IF ANYTHING, adverb. Indicates that the only deviation from normal or expected is what follows, and not the deviation previously mentioned.
IF NEED BE, adverb. (idiomatic) If necessary; if there is a need.
IF NEEDS BE, adverb. (idiom) If need be; if there is a need.
IF NOT, adverb. Used to link a semantically weaker word to a semantically stronger word following the adverb, both sharing the same basic meaning, indicating the increased likelihood of the latter
IF NOTHING ELSE, adverb. (idiom) At the very least, as a minimum
IF SO BE, conjunction. (archaic) If; if it happen (that); supposing that.
IF TRUTH BE TOLD, interjection. Alternative form of truth be told
IF YOU LIKE, adverb. Please, kindly; used in giving a non-concrete instruction.
IF YOU LIKE, adverb. So to speak, like; used to indicate that a description is not standard.
IF YOU WILL, adverb. Please, kindly; used in giving a non-concrete instruction.
IF YOU WILL, adverb. So to speak, like; used to indicate that a description is not standard.
IF YOU WILL, adverb. Used in conceding a description.

Wise words

Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Geoffrey Chaucer