Associations to the word «Expressly»
- Validity
- Authority
- Authorization
- Obedience
- Icc
- Claimant
- Principle
- Negroes
- Act
- Federalist
- Lordship
- Remedy
- Article
- Carthage
- Convention
- Pornography
- Parti
- Connexion
- Permit
- Proposition
- Ratification
- License
- Covenant
- Sanction
- Judgment
- Decency
- Cato
- Sovereign
- Charlemagne
- Discretion
- Infringement
- Cor
- Heresy
- Conduct
- Deni
- Transvaal
- Omission
- Apostle
- Offense
- Commandment
- Consideration
- Tribunal
- Violation
- Enrichment
- Appeal
- Testament
EXPRESSLY, adverb. In an expressive or explicit manner.
Dictionary definition
EXPRESSLY, adverb. With specific intentions; for the express purpose; "she needs the money expressly for her patients".
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.