Associations to the word «Eliot»
- Fielding
- Poet
- Handel
- Shakespeare
- Conductor
- Larkin
- Jared
- Mather
- Lyman
- Warwickshire
- Novel
- Barlow
- Comte
- Conrad
- Stein
- Montague
- Twain
- Stephan
- Salvage
- Pilgrimage
- Romanticism
- Merton
- Pearson
- Dylan
- Joanne
- Castor
- Gibbons
- Ware
- Harriet
- Admirer
- Reverend
- Bertrand
- Criticism
- Reunion
- Strauss
- Faso
- Poe
- Attorney
- Holt
- Tyson
- Dramatist
- Bernstein
- Milton
- Synonym
- Marianne
- Cary
- Cornwall
- Bunting
- Katharine
- Marc
- Cohen
- Brooke
- Kennedy
- Gillian
- Arnold
- Muir
- Pasadena
- Pulitzer
- Nathaniel
- Bible
- Massachusetts
- Geoffrey
- Nobel
- Professorship
- Asher
- Stowe
- Stevens
- Dinah
- Grail
- Writings
- Scandal
- Lecture
- Pseudonym
- Nineteenth
- Ellison
- Otis
- Bronson
- Maine
- John
- Dorchester
- Edith
- Heroine
- Quotation
- Wendell
- Darren
- Dumas
- Jane
ELIOT, proper noun. An English and Scottish surname, variant of Elliott.
ELIOT, proper noun. A male given name, variant of Elliott.
Dictionary definition
ELIOT, noun. British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965).
ELIOT, noun. British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880).
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.