Associations to the word «Eliot»
- Fielding
- Poet
- Handel
- Shakespeare
- Conductor
- Larkin
- Jared
- Mather
- Lyman
- Warwickshire
- Novel
- Barlow
- Comte
- Conrad
- Stein
- Montague
- Twain
- Stephan
- Salvage
- Pilgrimage
- Romanticism
- Merton
- Pearson
- Dylan
- Joanne
- Castor
- Gibbons
- Ware
- Harriet
- Admirer
- Reverend
- Bertrand
- Criticism
- Reunion
- Strauss
- Faso
- Poe
- Attorney
- Holt
- Tyson
- Dramatist
- Bernstein
- Milton
- Synonym
- Marianne
- Cary
- Cornwall
- Bunting
- Katharine
- Marc
- Cohen
- Brooke
- Kennedy
- Gillian
- Arnold
- Muir
- Pasadena
- Pulitzer
- Nathaniel
- Bible
- Massachusetts
- Geoffrey
- Nobel
- Professorship
- Asher
- Stowe
- Stevens
- Dinah
- Grail
- Writings
- Scandal
- Lecture
- Pseudonym
- Nineteenth
- Ellison
- Otis
- Bronson
- Maine
- John
- Dorchester
- Edith
- Heroine
- Quotation
- Wendell
- Darren
- Dumas
- Jane
ELIOT, proper noun. An English and Scottish surname, variant of Elliott.
ELIOT, proper noun. A male given name, variant of Elliott.
Dictionary definition
ELIOT, noun. British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965).
ELIOT, noun. British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880).
Wise words
Don't you know this, that words are doctors to a diseased