Associations to the word «Divergent»


DIVERGENT, adjective. Growing further apart; diverging.
DIVERGENT, adjective. (mathematics) Of a series, not converging; not approaching a limit.
DIVERGENT, adjective. Disagreeing from something given; differing.
DIVERGENT, adjective. Causing divergence of rays.
DIVERGENT GILL TRAMA, noun. (mycology) A type of gill trama that has a central strand of hyphae, from which other strands of hyphae diverge at slanted angles.
DIVERGENT SERIES, noun. (mathematics) An infinite series whose partial sums are divergent

Dictionary definition

DIVERGENT, adjective. Diverging from another or from a standard; "a divergent opinion".
DIVERGENT, adjective. Tending to move apart in different directions.

Wise words

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.
C. S. Lewis