Associations to the word «Dispersal»
- Genetics
- Aborigine
- Mortality
- Fertilization
- Mechanism
- Offspring
- Homo
- Sol
- Tropic
- Pad
- Linkage
- Camouflage
- Plant
- Isolation
- Cretaceous
- Arthropod
- Utilization
- Distribution
- Comet
- Survival
- Differentiation
- Trait
- Wind
- Regeneration
- Monarch
- Bomber
- Launcher
- Hypothesis
- Vertebrate
- Species
- Animal
- Splash
- Tortoise
- Avoidance
- Interceptor
- Distance
- Abundance
- Beetle
- Feeding
- Current
- Contaminant
- Lynx
- Canopy
- Pattern
- Dynamic
- Monsoon
- Balkans
- Anatolia
- Coloration
- Reclamation
- Lichen
- Morphology
- Raf
- Syndrome
- Reliance
- Longevity
- Grasshopper
- Evolution
- Swarm
- Grazing
- Potential
- Accumulation
- Depletion
- Vent
- Redistribution
- Continent
- Afb
- Deposit
- Diffusion
DISPERSAL, noun. The act or result of dispersing or scattering; dispersion.
Dictionary definition
DISPERSAL, noun. The act of dispersing or diffusing something; "the dispersion of the troops"; "the diffusion of knowledge".
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.