Associations to the word «Countryman»
- Englishmen
- Fellow
- Patriotism
- Englishman
- Frenchmen
- Spaniard
- Woodstock
- Romans
- Athenian
- Valour
- Foreigner
- Compatriot
- Esteem
- Frenchman
- Bondage
- Deliverance
- Plunder
- Eloquence
- Zeal
- Irishman
- Approbation
- Admiration
- Posterity
- Sympathy
- Tyranny
- Kindness
- Hogg
- Prejudice
- Insurrection
- Gratitude
- Hannibal
- Tiding
- Traveller
- Sentiment
- Pretence
- Hospitality
- Greatness
- Contemporary
- Dane
- Valor
- Roman
- Orator
- Fidelity
- Misfortune
- Applause
- Mini
- Yoke
- Estimation
- Resentment
- Tyrant
- Intercourse
- Statesman
COUNTRYMAN, noun. Somebody from a certain country.
COUNTRYMAN, noun. Somebody from one's own country; a fellow countryman, compatriot.
COUNTRYMAN, noun. Country dweller, especially a follower of country pursuits
COUNTRYMAN, noun. (Irish) (traveller) a settled person, as opposed to a traveller
Dictionary definition
COUNTRYMAN, noun. A man from your own country.
COUNTRYMAN, noun. A man who lives in the country and has country ways.
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.