Associations to the word «Counting»


COUNTING, verb. Present participle of count
COUNTING, noun. A count; the act by which something is counted.
COUNTING ANGELS ON PINHEADS, verb. Present participle of count angels on pinheads
COUNTING CELL HEMOCYTOMETER, noun. (medical) A device used for counting blood cells.
COUNTING CELL HEMOCYTOMETERS, noun. Plural of counting cell hemocytometer
COUNTING COUP, verb. Present participle of count coup
COUNTING GLASS, noun. A magnifying glass used to count the density of threads in a textile
COUNTING GLASSES, noun. Plural of counting glass
COUNTING MEASURE, noun. (analysis) A positive measure which, for each subset of a given measure space, assigns a value equal to the number of points in that subset.
COUNTING NUMBER, noun. (mathematics) a positive integer
COUNTING NUMBERS, noun. Plural of counting number
COUNTING ROD, noun. One of a set of small bars, used by mathematicians in some Asian countries, placed either horizontally or vertically to represent any number and any fraction.
COUNTING RODS, noun. Plural of counting rod

Dictionary definition

COUNTING, noun. The act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order; "the counting continued for several hours".

Wise words

Actions speak louder than words.
Ancient Proverb