Associations to the word «Convertible»


CONVERTIBLE, adjective. Able to be converted
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. (obsolete) Capable of being turned or rotated
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. Capable of being exchanged or interchanged, reciprocal, interchangeable
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. (finance) Having the right to be converted into a different security, usually common stock, at the holder's option
CONVERTIBLE, noun. A car whose roof can be removed or folded
CONVERTIBLE, noun. (finance) A hybrid security that can be converted into stock
CONVERTIBLE, noun. A portable computer that can be physically converted between laptop and tablet configurations.
CONVERTIBLE MARK, noun. Official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, abbreviated BAM.
CONVERTIBLE MARKS, noun. Plural of convertible mark
CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES, noun. Plural of convertible security
CONVERTIBLE SECURITY, noun. (finance) A security that can be converted into another security.

Dictionary definition

CONVERTIBLE, noun. A car that has top that can be folded or removed.
CONVERTIBLE, noun. A corporate security (usually bonds or preferred stock) that can be exchanged for another form of security (usually common stock).
CONVERTIBLE, noun. A sofa that can be converted into a bed.
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. Capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value; "convertible securities".
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. Designed to be changed from one use or form to another; "a convertible sofa"; "a convertible coupe".
CONVERTIBLE, adjective. Capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy; "is lead really transmutable into gold?"; "ideas translatable into reality".

Wise words

Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.