Associations to the word «Consulate»
- Lille
- Nagasaki
- Cairo
- Espionage
- Bonn
- Nagoya
- Miami
- Geneva
- Innsbruck
- Toronto
- Genoa
- Suite
- Odessa
- Ottawa
- Hanoi
- Interpreter
- Indonesia
- Yerevan
- Prefect
- Damascus
- Rosario
- Hyderabad
- Sulla
- Plata
- Claudius
- Vilnius
- Kuala
- Tehran
- Salzburg
- Republic
- Vichy
- Beijing
- Chi
- Rotterdam
- Bogotá
- Mission
- Honduras
- Palma
- Kurdistan
- Estonia
- Brunei
- Atlanta
- Croatia
- Dhaka
- Francisco
- Hostage
- Arabia
- Luxembourg
- Astor
- Belize
- Bombing
- Pakistani
- Hague
- Saigon
- Gothenburg
- Tallinn
- Baghdad
- Bali
- Empire
- Protest
- Calgary
- Antwerp
- Pakistan
- Maison
- Guiana
- Alexandria
- Sydney
- Bari
- Seychelles
- Mendoza
- Angeles
- Lebanon
- Graz
- Suriname
- Oman
- Lyon
- Lithuania
- Romania
- Gaza
- Tiberius
- Manila
- Bratislava
- Gunman
- Slovenia
- British
- Stuttgart
CONSULATE, noun. The residency of a consul
CONSULATE, noun. In practice, an office of a government in a foreign city that oversees the distribution of visas and provides assistance to nationals.
Dictionary definition
CONSULATE, noun. Diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul.
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.