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Associations to the word «Comparable»


COMPARABLE, adjective. (often with to) Able to be compared (to).
COMPARABLE, adjective. (often with to) Similar (to); like.
COMPARABLE, adjective. (mathematics) Constituting a pair in a particular partial order.
COMPARABLE, adjective. (grammar) Said of an adjective that has a comparative and superlative form.
COMPARABLE, noun. Something suitable for comparison.
COMPARABLE FUNCTION, noun. (mathematics) Either of a pair of functions that have the same domain and that the values of one are equal to or greater than the other for all points in that domain
COMPARABLE FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of comparable function
COMPARABLE WORTH, noun. (chiefly US) The principle that there should be no difference in remuneration between jobs held mostly by women and jobs held mostly by men, when the women's work is comparable in skill, effort, working conditions, and responsibility to the men's work.

Dictionary definition

COMPARABLE, adjective. Able to be compared or worthy of comparison.
COMPARABLE, adjective. Conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year".

Wise words

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.
Alfred Adler