Associations to the word «Collectivist»


COLLECTIVIST, adjective. Of or pertaining to collectivism
COLLECTIVIST, noun. An advocate of collectivism
COLLECTIVIST ANARCHISM, noun. (politics) (economics) an anarchist philosophy advocating the abolition of the state and private property in favour of collectivism
COLLECTIVIST ANARCHIST, adjective. (politics) (economics) Of, supporting, relating to, or advocating collectivist anarchism.
COLLECTIVIST ANARCHIST, noun. (politics) (economics) A person who advocates collectivist anarchism.
COLLECTIVIST ANARCHISTS, noun. Plural of collectivist anarchist

Dictionary definition

COLLECTIVIST, noun. A person who belongs to the political left.
COLLECTIVIST, adjective. Subscribing to the socialistic doctrine of ownership by the people collectively.

Wise words

You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Joel Osteen