Associations to the word «Clearness»


CLEARNESS, noun. (obsolete) Brightness, brilliancy. [14th-17thc.]
CLEARNESS, noun. Mental or sensory distinctness; clarity of understanding, perception etc. [from 16thc.]
CLEARNESS, noun. The state of being free from obscurities or opacity; distinctness of light, colour etc. [from 17thc.]
CLEARNESS, noun. The state of being free from obstruction or interference. [from 17thc.]

Dictionary definition

CLEARNESS, noun. Free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression.
CLEARNESS, noun. The quality of clear water; "when she awoke the clarity was back in her eyes".

Wise words

Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, ad the neglected opportunity.
Arabian Proverb