Associations to the word «Charlotte»
- Novelist
- Edna
- Atkins
- Hammersmith
- Salisbury
- Auburn
- Magdalene
- Ritchie
- Eagle
- Dawson
- Christine
- Celtic
- Grandchild
- Eliot
- Maverick
- Lucy
- Acc
- Harbor
- Cable
- Antonia
- Dowager
- Collier
- Rebound
- Alison
- Aaa
- Duke
- Glade
- Eleanor
- Macleod
- Hawthorne
- Trolley
- Burton
- Dallas
- Philippe
- Marri
- Raptor
- Johnstone
- Lansing
- Denver
- Rebecca
- Richardson
- Franchise
- Myrtle
- Gower
- Nashville
- Crab
- Hawkins
- Background
- Wellesley
- Dispersal
- Coleridge
- Lady
- Bernhard
- Calvert
- Blazer
- Heroine
- Panther
- Frederick
- Cavalier
- Stephanie
- Cooper
- Grandmother
- Richmond
- Amtrak
- Sister
- Viscount
- Laval
- Vivian
- Radcliffe
- Noah
- Barney
- Wife
- Croft
- Astor
- Bb
- Jessica
- Camille
- Eaton
- Lillian
- Fiend
- Lau
- Sarah
- Jacqueline
- Jamal
- Joel
- Nugget
- Parma
- Charley
- Helene
- Rochester
- Ellen
- Weimar
CHARLOTTE, proper noun. A female given name.
CHARLOTTE, proper noun. The largest city in the state of North Carolina.
CHARLOTTE, noun. (historical) Designating a type of women's bonnet popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.
CHARLOTTE, noun. A dessert containing sponge, fruit and cream or custard.
CHARLOTTE RUSSE, noun. A dessert of custard or whipped cream enclosed in sponge cake.
Dictionary definition
CHARLOTTE, noun. The largest city in North Carolina; located in south central North Carolina.
CHARLOTTE, noun. A mold lined with cake or crumbs and filled with fruit or whipped cream or custard.
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.