Associations to the word «Billed»


BILL, noun. Any of various bladed or pointed hand weapons, originally designating an Anglo-Saxon sword, and later a weapon of infantry, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, commonly consisting of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, with a short pike at the back and another at the top, attached to the end of a long staff.
BILL, noun. A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle, used in pruning, etc.; a billhook.
BILL, noun. Somebody armed with a bill; a billman.
BILL, noun. A pickaxe, or mattock.
BILL, noun. (nautical) The extremity of the arm of an anchor; the point of or beyond the fluke.
BILL, verb. (transitive) To dig, chop, etc., with a bill.
BILL, noun. The beak of a bird, especially when small or flattish; sometimes also used with reference to a turtle, platypus, or other animal.
BILL, noun. A beak-like projection, especially a promontory.
BILL, verb. (obsolete) To peck.
BILL, verb. To stroke bill against bill, with reference to doves; to caress in fondness.
BILL, noun. A written list or inventory. (Now obsolete except in specific senses or set phrases; bill of lading, bill of goods, etc.)
BILL, noun. A document, originally sealed; a formal statement or official memorandum. (Now obsolete except with certain qualifying words; bill of health, bill of sale etc.)
BILL, noun. A draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment; a proposed or projected law.
BILL, noun. (obsolete) (legal) A declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law.
BILL, noun. (US) A piece of paper money; a banknote.
BILL, noun. A written note of goods sold, services rendered, or work done, with the price or charge; an invoice.
BILL, noun. A paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods; a placard; a poster; a handbill.
BILL, noun. A writing binding the signer or signers to pay a certain sum at a future day or on demand, with or without interest, as may be stated in the document. A bill of exchange. In the United States, it is usually called a note, a note of hand, or a promissory note.
BILL, verb. (transitive) To advertise by a bill or public notice.
BILL, verb. (transitive) To charge; to send a bill to.
BILL, noun. The bell, or boom, of the bittern.
BILL, proper noun. A form of the male given name William.
BILL, proper noun. (British) (slang) A nickname for the British constabulary. Often called "The Bill" or "Old Bill"
BILL, proper noun. (US) (slang) One Hundred Dollars.
BILL AND COO, verb. To exchange caresses.
BILL COSBY SWEATER, noun. Alternative form of Cosby sweater
BILL COSBY SWEATERS, noun. Plural of Bill Cosby sweater
BILL GATES' FLOWER FLIES, noun. Plural of Bill Gates' flower fly
BILL GATES' FLOWER FLY, noun. A species of flower fly from Costa Rica, Eristalis gatesi.
BILL HOOK, noun. Alternative form of billhook
BILL OF ADVENTURE, noun. (historical) A document stating that goods to be shipped are shipped at the owner's risk.
BILL OF ATTAINDER, noun. (legal) A legislative determination imposing punishment without trial.
BILL OF COSTS, noun. A statement of the items which form the total amount of the costs of a party to a suit or action.
BILL OF CREDIT, noun. A bill issued by a state, on the mere faith and credit of the state, and designed to circulate as money.
BILL OF ENTRY, noun. An account of goods entered at a customs house, of imports and exports, detailing the merchant, quantity of goods, their type, and place of origin or destination. It is issued by the customs presenting the total assigned value and the corresponding duty charged on the cargo.
BILL OF EXCHANGE, noun. (banking) A document demanding payment from another party, especially used in international trade.
BILL OF FARE, noun. A written or printed enumeration of the dishes served at a public table, or of the dishes (with prices listed) which may be ordered at a restaurant, etc.
BILL OF GOODS, noun. (business) A collection of items purchased or offered for sale.
BILL OF GOODS, noun. (idiomatic) A set of misleading or deceptive claims; misinformation.
BILL OF HEALTH, noun. A certificate stating whether or not there is infectious disease aboard a ship or in a port of departure, given to the ship's master to present at the next port of arrival
BILL OF LADEN, noun. Misspelling of bill of lading.
BILL OF LADING, noun. (shipping) A document by which the master of a ship (or any other carrier) acknowledges receipt of goods for transport
BILL OF MATERIAL, noun. Alternative form of bill of materials
BILL OF MATERIALS, noun. (manufacturing) (design engineering) A list of materials and components used in a manufactured item, sometimes appended to an engineering diagram of the item.
BILL OF MATERIALS, noun. (manufacturing) (computing) A computerized list of materials and components, structured in a manner to support computer-based materials procurement and production scheduling.
BILL OF MORTALITY, noun. An official statement of the number of deaths in a place or district within a given time.
BILL OF MORTALITY, noun. A district required to be covered by such a statement.
BILL OF PARCELS, noun. (dated) An account given by the seller to the buyer of several items, with the price of each.
BILL OF PARTICULARS, noun. (legal) A written statement or specification of the particulars of the demand for which an action at law is brought, or of a defendant's set-off against such demand, furnished by one of the parties to the other, either voluntarily or in compliance with a judge's order for that purpose.
BILL OF PARTICULARS, noun. (legal) A written statement or specification of the charges made against a defendant.
BILL OF QUANTITIES, noun. A list, prepared by a quantity surveyor, of the quantities of materials needed for a project
BILL OF RIGHTS, noun. A formal statement of the rights of a specified group of people
BILL OF SALE, noun. A formal instrument for the conveyance or transfer of goods and chattels.
BILL OF SIGHT, noun. A form of entry at the customhouse, by which goods, respecting which the importer is not possessed of full information, may be provisionally landed for examination.
BILL OF STORE, noun. A license granted at the customhouse to merchants, to carry such stores and provisions as are necessary for a voyage, custom free.
BILL STICKER, noun. A person who pastes advertising posters etc onto walls or hoardings

Dictionary definition

BILL, noun. A statute in draft before it becomes law; "they held a public hearing on the bill".
BILL, noun. An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; "he paid his bill and left"; "send me an account of what I owe".
BILL, noun. A piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes".
BILL, noun. The entertainment offered at a public presentation.
BILL, noun. An advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers".
BILL, noun. A sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions".
BILL, noun. A list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare).
BILL, noun. A long-handled saw with a curved blade; "he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree".
BILL, noun. A brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes; "he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead".
BILL, noun. Horny projecting mouth of a bird.
BILL, verb. Demand payment; "Will I get charged for this service?"; "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights".
BILL, verb. Advertise especially by posters or placards; "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso".
BILL, verb. Publicize or announce by placards.

Wise words

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
Noam Chomsky