Associations to the word «Aristocracy»
- Norman
- Whig
- Habsburg
- Revolution
- Pastime
- Carlyle
- Intellectual
- Anglo
- Samurai
- Regency
- Noble
- Monopoly
- Anarchy
- Vigour
- Princes
- Germain
- Gryphon
- Domination
- Hierarchy
- Descendant
- Rank
- Sway
- Extravagance
- Adherent
- Cato
- Bohemian
- Carthage
- Priesthood
- Conquest
- Governed
- Greatness
- Upheaval
- Comte
- Caliphate
- Bourbon
- Tradesman
- Ideal
- Sovereign
- Etiquette
- Caesar
- Enlightenment
- Luxury
- Aristotle
- Courtier
- Parisian
- Superiority
- Contempt
- Galicia
- Exclusion
- Meiji
- Merchant
- Lucknow
- Leisure
- Ambition
- Populace
- Virtue
- Vandal
- Xiv
- Saxon
- Radical
- Polity
- Imperial
- Plato
ARISTOCRACY, noun. The nobility, or the hereditary ruling class
ARISTOCRACY, noun. Government by such a class, or a state with such a government
ARISTOCRACY, noun. A class of people considered (not normally universally) superior to others
Dictionary definition
ARISTOCRACY, noun. A privileged class holding hereditary titles.
ARISTOCRACY, noun. The most powerful members of a society.
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.