Associations to the word «Accessible»


ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Easy of access or approach; approachable.
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Easy to get along with.
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Open to the influence of.
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Obtainable; to be got at.
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. (art) (literature) Easily understood.
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Capable of being used or seen.

Dictionary definition

ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Capable of being reached; "a town accessible by rail".
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Capable of being read with comprehension; "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader"; "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels".
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Easily obtained; "most students now have computers accessible"; "accessible money".
ACCESSIBLE, adjective. Easy to get along with or talk to; friendly; "an accessible and genial man".

Wise words

You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Joel Osteen