Associations to the word «Abbey»


ABBEY, noun. The office or dominion of an abbot or abbess. [First attested around 1150 to 1350.]
ABBEY, noun. A monastery or society of people, secluded from the world and devoted to religion and celibacy, which is headed by an abbot or abbess; also, the monastic building or buildings. [First attested around 1150 to 1350.]
ABBEY, noun. The church of a monastery. [First attested around 1150 to 1350.]
ABBEY, noun. (UK) A residence that was previously an abbatial building.[Mid 16th century.]
ABBEY, noun. (capitalized) In London, the Abbey is short for Westminster Abbey, and in Scotland, the precincts of the Abbey of Holyrood.
ABBEY, proper noun. A diminutive of the   female given name Abigail.
ABBEY, proper noun. A diminutive of the   male given name Albert.
ABBEY, proper noun. A British surname.

Dictionary definition

ABBEY, noun. A church associated with a monastery or convent.
ABBEY, noun. A convent ruled by an abbess.
ABBEY, noun. A monastery ruled by an abbot.

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton