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Associations to the word «Yuletide»


YULETIDE, noun. Alternative spelling of Yuletide Christmas or the Christmas season.
YULETIDE, noun. A common name for the flower Camellia sasanqua native to Japan and nearby islands.
YULETIDE, noun. (dated) The period of celebration of a pre-Christian festival associated with the (northern) winter solstice, later absorbed into the festival of Christmas.
YULETIDE, noun. (dated) Christmas season, the period around Christmas, Christmastime.
YULETIDE, noun. (Australia) (regional) The period of southern winter, sometimes celebrated in the colder, snowy regions of Australia with allusions to Christmas and snow, originally a marketing gimmick.

Dictionary definition

YULETIDE, noun. Period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6.

Wise words

More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the words men use.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery