Associations to the word «World»
Pictures for the word «World»
WORLD, noun. (with “the”) Human collective existence; existence in general.
WORLD, noun. The Universe.
WORLD, noun. (uncountable) (with “the”) The Earth.
WORLD, noun. (countable) A planet, especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable.
WORLD, noun. An individual or group perspective or social setting.
WORLD, noun. (informal) A great amount.
WORLD, noun. (archaic) Age, era
WORLD, verb. To consider or cause to be considered from a global perspective; to consider as a global whole, rather than making or focussing on national or other distinctions; compare globalise.
WORLD, verb. To make real; to make worldly.
WORLD, verb. (obsolete) to introduce into the world; to bear (eg a child) -->
WORLD ASH, noun. (Norse mythology and Heathenry) Yggdrasil.
WORLD BANK, proper noun. A group of five financial organizations whose purpose is economic development and the elimination of poverty.
WORLD BEAT, noun. Alternative form of worldbeat
WORLD CAR, noun. Any car designed for, or achieving, worldwide sales using the same platform and components, often with a variety of body styles.
WORLD CARS, noun. Plural of world car
WORLD CHAMPION, noun. The winner of a world cup or world championship.
WORLD CHAMPIONS, noun. Plural of world champion
WORLD CLOCK, noun. A clock that shows time around the Globe.
WORLD CLOCKS, noun. Plural of world clock
WORLD CUP, noun. An event or competition where competitors and/or teams from several different countries to establish a world champion.
WORLD CUP, noun. The trophy awarded to the winner of such an event.
WORLD CUP, noun. Alternative letter-case form of world cup
WORLD CUPS, noun. Plural of World Cup
WORLD CUPS, noun. Plural of world cup
WORLD EGG, noun. (mythology) A mythological motif found in the creation myths of many cultures and civilizations of an egg from which the universe or some primordial being is "hatched".
WORLD EGGS, noun. Plural of world egg
WORLD EXPOSITION, noun. Generic name for various large international expositions held since the mid 19th century, often called "Expo".
WORLD EXPOSITIONS, noun. Plural of World Exposition
WORLD HERITAGE SITE, noun. A place listed by UNESCO as being of special cultural or physical significance.
WORLD HERITAGE SITE, noun. Alternative letter-case form of World Heritage Site
WORLD LANGUAGE, noun. A language spoken internationally and which is learned by many people as a second language.
WORLD LEADER, noun. A person, group, or country, deemed as superior in their field.
WORLD LINE, noun. (physics) A path in spacetime, especially that traversed by an elementary particle from its creation to its destruction
WORLD LINES, noun. Plural of world line
WORLD MUSIC, noun. (music) (rare) traditional music, as opposed to popular music or classical music.
WORLD MUSIC, noun. (music) Music that combines elements from traditional styles from the non-Western world along with modern, popular elements, in order to create something marketed towards Western audiences.
WORLD ORDER, noun. A particular structure that manages the world's stability, informed by a number of legal, political and socio-economic factors.
WORLD ORDERS, noun. Plural of world order
WORLD PEACE, noun. The ideology of universal global understanding and nonviolence.
WORLD PHONE, noun. A quadband phone.
WORLD PHONES, noun. Plural of world phone
WORLD PICTURE, noun. A particular conception or idea of life; a worldview. [from 19th c.]
WORLD POLICEMAN, noun. A political system or government with a foreign policy that engages in interventionism, intrusiveness or imperialism
WORLD POWER, noun. A nation or state so powerful that it can influence world affairs.
WORLD POWERS, noun. Plural of world power
WORLD RECORD, noun. Any characteristic or accomplishment that exceeds all other instances of that characteristic or accomplishment.
WORLD RECORD, noun. (sports) The world's best score or time for a certain event.
WORLD RECORDS, noun. Plural of world record
WORLD RELIGION, noun. A religious belief system which has become generally recognized as having independent status from any other religion, but which nonetheless may have many, sometimes mutually antagonistic, sects or denominations.
WORLD RELIGIONS, noun. Plural of world religion
WORLD SERIES, proper noun. (US) (baseball) The best-of-seven game series played annually to determine the championship of professional baseball in the United States and Canada, played between the National League and the American League
WORLD SOUL, noun. (religion) (philosophy) A single, unifying spirit believed by some to animate every living being in the world and to underlie the value of every inanimate thing as well.
WORLD SOUL, noun. Alternative form of world soul
WORLD TRADE CENTER, proper noun. A complex of buildings in New York City, 3 of which were destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.
WORLD TRADE CENTER, noun. A building that houses all the facilities associated with global commerce
WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, proper noun. An international organization designed by its founders to supervise and liberalize international trade.
WORLD TURTLE, noun. The mythical giant sea turtle or tortoise that upholds the World in various cosmologies.
WORLD VIEW, noun. Alternative spelling of worldview
WORLD VIEWS, noun. Plural of world view
WORLD WAR, noun. A war involving the major nations of the world.
WORLD WAR I, proper noun. The war from 1914 to 1918 between the Entente Powers of the British Empire, Russian Empire, France, Italy, the United States and other allied nations, against the Central Powers represented by the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
WORLD WAR II, proper noun. The war from 1939 to 1945 of the Allied forces, including United Kingdom, Soviet Union, the United States, France, and China against the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy, and Japan.
WORLD WAR III, proper noun. A hypothetical world war following World War II.
WORLD WAR IV, proper noun. A hypothetical world war following World War III.
WORLD WAR ONE, proper noun. Alternative form of World War I
WORLD WAR TWO, proper noun. Alternative spelling of World War II
WORLD WARS, noun. Plural of world war
WORLD WIDE WEB, proper noun. Collectively, all of the web pages on the Internet which hyperlink to each other and to other kinds of documents and media.
WORLD WIDE WEB, proper noun. (computing) Internet resources that are retrieved by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
WORLD WITHOUT END, adverb. (idiomatic) for all time
Dictionary definition
WORLD, noun. Everything that exists anywhere; "they study the evolution of the universe"; "the biggest tree in existence".
WORLD, noun. People in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest; "the Western world".
WORLD, noun. All of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were".
WORLD, noun. The 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on; "the Earth moves around the sun"; "he sailed around the world".
WORLD, noun. People in general considered as a whole; "he is a hero in the eyes of the public".
WORLD, noun. A part of the earth that can be considered separately; "the outdoor world"; "the world of insects".
WORLD, noun. The concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife; "they consider the church to be independent of the world".
WORLD, noun. All of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women".
WORLD, adjective. Involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance".
Wise words
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