Associations to the word «Vow»


VOW, noun. A solemn promise to perform some act, or behave in a specified manner, especially a promise to live and act in accordance with the rules of a religious order.
VOW, noun. A declaration or assertion.
VOW, verb. (ambitransitive) To make a vow; to promise.
VOW, verb. (transitive) To make a vow regarding (something).
VOW, verb. To declare publicly that one has made a vow, usually to show one's determination or to announce an act of retaliation.

Dictionary definition

VOW, noun. A solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do something or to behave in a certain manner; "they took vows of poverty".
VOW, verb. Make a vow; promise; "He vowed never to drink alcohol again".
VOW, verb. Dedicate to a deity by a vow.

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley