Associations to the word «Vassal»
- Persian
- Majesty
- Lordship
- Ally
- Pomerania
- Obligation
- Throne
- King
- Protectorate
- Duke
- Aleppo
- Brandenburg
- Incursion
- Lord
- Casimir
- Yuan
- Conquest
- Shan
- Oath
- Revolt
- Clan
- Stefan
- Reign
- Tsar
- Treaty
- Wu
- Canaan
- Rus
- Rebellion
- Sui
- Flanders
- Prussia
- Siegfried
- Prince
- Crusader
- Autonomy
- Crown
- Realm
- Khan
- Mercenary
- Territory
- Monarchy
- Shah
- Successor
- Vassal
- Syria
- Sire
- Ponce
- Turk
- Imperial
- Marches
- Raja
- Caliph
- Egypt
- Sigismund
- Transylvania
- Crimea
- Caliphate
- Barony
- Rajput
- Navarre
- Anjou
- Nobility
- Moravia
- Obedience
- Malacca
- Median
- Toulouse
- Chieftain
- Royce
- Edo
- Gregor
- Porte
VASSAL, noun. (historical) The grantee of a fief, feud, or fee; one who keeps land of a superior, and who vows fidelity and homage to him, normally a lord of a manor; a feudatory; a feudal tenant.
VASSAL, noun. A subject; a dependant; a servant; a slave.
VASSAL, adjective. Resembling a vassal; slavish; servile.
VASSAL, verb. (transitive) To treat as a vassal or to reduce to the position of a vassal; to subject to control; to enslave.
VASSAL, verb. (transitive) To subordinate to someone or something.
VASSAL STATE, noun. A state that is subordinate to another.
VASSAL STATES, noun. Plural of vassal state
Dictionary definition
VASSAL, noun. A person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord.
Wise words
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and
principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles
of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even
the interpretation and use of words involves a process of
free creation.