Associations to the word «Sup»
SUP, symbol. (mathematics) supremum
SUP, verb. To sip; to take a small amount of food or drink into the mouth, especially with a spoon.
SUP, noun. A sip; a small amount of food or drink.
SUP, verb. To take supper.
SUP, interjection. (slang) what's up (either as a greeting or actual question).
SUP, acronym. Sailors' Union of the Pacific
SUP, acronym. Socialist Unity Party
SUP, acronym. Scottish Unionist Party
SUP, acronym. Stanford University Press
SUP, acronym. Selective Ultraviolet Phototherapy
SUP, acronym. Software Upgrade Protocol
SUP, acronym. Stand up paddle surfing
Dictionary definition
SUP, noun. A small amount of liquid food; "a sup of ale".
SUP, verb. Take solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon.
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