Associations to the word «Polling»
- Numbers
- Firm
- Conduct
- Place
- Ria
- Policy
- Penn
- Mak
- Angus
- Bias
- Bandwidth
- Lobbying
- Showing
- Consultant
- Ward
- Discrepancy
- Leaning
- Doherty
- Allegation
- Barr
- Colombo
- Hua
- Lottery
- Mata
- Push
- Commission
- Colbert
- Labor
- Participation
- Hampshire
- Gore
- Ps
- Packet
- Citizen
- Reporting
- Quota
- Intention
- Iowa
- Opponent
- Cast
- Average
- Recorder
- Contest
- Democracy
- Day
- Advertising
- Prediction
- Box
- Poster
- Independent
- Distribution
- Breakdown
- Scandal
- Monitor
- Support
- Greenberg
- Presidency
- Violation
- Carson
- Genre
- Christchurch
- Dodd
POLLING, verb. Present participle of poll
POLLING, noun. The action of taking a poll.
POLLING, noun. (computing) A technique that continually interrogates a peripheral device to see if it has data to transfer.
POLLING, noun. (politics) (uncountable) the process of voting in an election.
POLLING BOOTH, noun. (Britain) (Ireland) (Canada) (Australia) A voting booth.
POLLING BOOTHS, noun. Plural of polling booth
POLLING DAY, noun. (politics) the day voting takes place in a local, general, or national election, apart from postal votes made beforehand.
POLLING PLACE, noun. (politics) (government) A place where voters cast their ballots in elections.
POLLING STATION, noun. (Britain) (Canada) (Australia) a place where voters go to cast their ballot in an election or referendum; a voting station
POLLING STATIONS, noun. Plural of polling station
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.