Associations to the word «Pluck»
PLUCK, verb. (transitive) To pull something sharply; to pull something out
PLUCK, verb. (transitive) (music) To gently play a single string, e.g. on a guitar, violin etc.
PLUCK, verb. (transitive) To remove feathers from a bird.
PLUCK, verb. (transitive) To rob, fleece, steal forcibly
PLUCK, verb. (transitive) To play a string instrument pizzicato
PLUCK, verb. (intransitive) To pull or twitch sharply.
PLUCK, verb. (UK) (universities) To reject at an examination for degrees.
PLUCK, noun. An instance of plucking
PLUCK, noun. The lungs, heart with trachea and often oesophagus removed from slaughtered animals.
PLUCK, noun. Guts, nerve, fortitude or persistence.
PLUCK UP, verb. (transitive) To remove something by plucking from e.g. the ground.
PLUCK UP, verb. (intransitive) to become more cheerful
PLUCK UP, verb. (transitive) To muster; summon positive emotion (especially courage)
PLUCK UP, verb. (sports) (transitive) To sign; purchase a player.
Dictionary definition
PLUCK, noun. The trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury.
PLUCK, noun. The act of pulling and releasing a taut cord.
PLUCK, verb. Pull or pull out sharply; "pluck the flowers off the bush".
PLUCK, verb. Sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity.
PLUCK, verb. Rip off; ask an unreasonable price.
PLUCK, verb. Pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion; "he plucked the strings of his mandolin".
PLUCK, verb. Strip of feathers; "pull a chicken"; "pluck the capon".
PLUCK, verb. Look for and gather; "pick mushrooms"; "pick flowers".
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.