Associations to the word «Nabob»
- Rajah
- Hastings
- Vizier
- Ul
- Rupee
- Pagoda
- Pretence
- Creditor
- Lordship
- Lac
- Lucknow
- Middleton
- Bahadur
- Esquire
- Eunuch
- Oppression
- Calcutta
- Allowance
- Clive
- Khan
- Excellency
- Madras
- Mysore
- Warren
- Dominion
- Revenue
- Debt
- Bengal
- Approbation
- Macpherson
- Annum
- Redress
- Highness
- Pretension
- Upward
- Distress
- Mora
- Treaty
- Receipt
- Mughal
- Viceroy
- Debtor
- Cipher
- Continuance
- Expense
- Seizing
- Ali
- Particular
- Naga
- Reluctance
- Sum
- Obedience
- Defiance
- Mirza
- Payment
- Sterling
- Discretion
- Transaction
- Contracting
- Counsellor
- Propriety
- Consultation
- Grandmother
- Mir
- Assignment
- Bribe
- Kraft
- Animosity
- Assurance
- Viz
NABOB, noun. An Indian ruler within the Mogul empire; a nawab.
NABOB, noun. (by extension) Someone of great wealth or importance.
NABOB, noun. (by extension) A person with a grandiose style or manner.
Dictionary definition
NABOB, noun. A governor in India during the Mogul empire.
NABOB, noun. A wealthy man (especially one who made his fortune in the Orient).
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.