Associations to the word «Marty»
- Dolly
- Doug
- Reeves
- Butch
- Charger
- Guitar
- Bret
- Cole
- Comedian
- Mckenzie
- Darrell
- Mamma
- Shortstop
- Walt
- Airplane
- Chet
- Scully
- Dave
- Joey
- Manning
- Horne
- Johnny
- Wes
- Mcguire
- Tommy
- Bartender
- Madeline
- Tim
- Wr
- Shane
- Connie
- Elvis
- Bluegrass
- Kahn
- Martinez
- Med
- Laptop
- Colleen
- Roscoe
- Klein
- Ronnie
- Ollie
- Tanya
- Almanac
- Patty
- Simmons
- Bassist
- Steve
- Benedictine
- Shutout
- Russo
- Spin
- Willie
- Corey
- Stan
- Vocal
- Lockhart
- Vic
- Laws
- Levine
- Sonny
- Hernandez
- Nipple
- Gloria
- Brien
- Uno
- Larry
- Leroy
- Travis
- Jerry
- Drummer
- Blackmail
- Nashville
- Barry
- Horton
- Serial
- Pam
- Grease
- Jennifer
- Password
- Una
- Hades
- Hurley
- Detective
- Mercer
- Frankie
- Kenny
- Wilder
- Brody
- Mike
- Burke
- Lester
- Gerry
MARTY, proper noun. A diminutive of the male given name Martin.
MARTY, proper noun. A diminutive of the female given name Martha,or less often, of Martina.
MARTY STU, noun. (fandom slang) A male Mary Sue.
MARTY STUS, noun. Plural of Marty Stu
Wise words
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life -
in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us
to do, as well as talk, and to make our words and actions
all of a color.