Associations to the word «Lewis»


LEWIS, proper noun. A male given name of Norman origin, the English form of Louis.
LEWIS, proper noun. An English patronymic surname​.
LEWIS, proper noun. A Welsh surname​; anglicized form of Llewellyn.
LEWIS, proper noun. The Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
LEWIS, proper noun. The title given to a partially apprenticed Freemason who is normally the Master or Son of a practicing Freemason; One practising or learning the degrees of Freemasonry after introduction to the degrees and before full induction or before becoming a Worshipful Brother.
LEWIS, noun. A cramp iron inserted into a cavity in order to lift heavy stones; used as a symbol of strength in Freemasonry
LEWIS, noun. A kind of shears used in cropping woollen cloth.
LEWIS ACID, noun. (chemistry) Any electrophylic compound that can accept a pair of electrons and form a coordinate covalent bond.
LEWIS ACIDS, noun. Plural of Lewis acid
LEWIS BASE, noun. (chemistry) Any nucleophylic compound that can donate a pair of electrons and form a coordinate covalent bond.
LEWIS BASES, noun. Plural of Lewis base
LEWIS GUN, noun. (historical) A light machine gun adopted by Belgium and the UK before World War I and widely used. [from c 1915]
LEWIS GUNS, noun. Plural of Lewis gun
LEWIS STRUCTURE, noun. (chemistry) A diagram that shows the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule.

Dictionary definition

LEWIS, noun. United States rock star singer and pianist (born in 1935).
LEWIS, noun. United States athlete who won gold medals at the Olympics for his skill in sprinting and jumping (born in 1961).
LEWIS, noun. United States explorer and soldier who lead led an expedition from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River (1774-1809).
LEWIS, noun. United States labor leader who was president of the United Mine Workers of America from 1920 to 1960 and president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations from 1935 to 1940 (1880-1969).
LEWIS, noun. United States novelist who satirized middle-class America in his novel Main Street (1885-1951).
LEWIS, noun. English critic and novelist; author of theological works and of books for children (1898-1963).

Wise words

Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche