Associations to the word «Laud»
- Narrative
- Classic
- Scotland
- Troy
- Romance
- Friday
- Drama
- Glee
- Easter
- Poet
- Tower
- Tune
- Album
- Sentiment
- Progressive
- Lord
- Drake
- Film
- Opponent
- Monk
- Wit
- Writer
- Lyric
- Historian
- Verse
- Common
- Rap
- Viewer
- Humour
- Be
- Bates
- Novelist
- Actor
- Blend
- Todd
- Success
- Novel
- Reformation
- Percy
- Roger
- Faction
- Headline
- Morning
- Personal
- Burgess
- Ned
- Mohamed
- Saturday
- Reputation
- Piety
- Innovation
- Accusation
- Editing
- Best
- Oscar
LAUD, noun. Praise or glorification.
LAUD, noun. Hymn of praise.
LAUD, noun. (in the plural) (also Lauds) A prayer service following matins.
LAUD, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) to praise, to glorify
Dictionary definition
LAUD, verb. Praise, glorify, or honor; "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking".
Wise words
Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one
good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible,
speak a few sensible words.