Associations to the word «Kingpin»
KINGPIN, noun. (motorized vehicles) The axis around which steered wheels pivot; a bolt that holds the axis in place—a kingbolt.
KINGPIN, noun. (ten pin bowling) The pin at the centre of the triangle of bowling pins (originally the tallest pin in kayles). Sometimes also the headpin at the apex.
KINGPIN, noun. The most important person in an undertaking or organization.
KINGPIN, noun. The bolt holding together the truck of a roller skate or skateboard.
Dictionary definition
KINGPIN, noun. The most important person in a group or undertaking.
KINGPIN, noun. Bolt that provides a steering joint in a motor vehicle.
KINGPIN, noun. The front bowling pin in the triangular arrangement of ten pins.
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.