Associations to the word «Kata»


KATA, noun. (martial arts) A sequence of positions and movements used in the practice of many martial arts.
KATA, noun. Abbreviation of kata thermometer.
KATA, noun. (in combination) A drop (in temperature).
KATA, adverb. In a direction analogous to down, but along the additional axis added by the fourth dimension.
KATA, noun. Alternative form of gata
KATA FACTOR, noun. A conversion factor, constant for a given kata thermometer, used to convert the measured time for a standardised drop in temperature into the environmental cooling rate.
KATA FACTORS, noun. Plural of kata factor
KATA KOLOK, proper noun. A sign language used in parts of northern Bali, Indonesia.
KATA THERMOMETER, noun. (measuring instrument) A device consisting principally of an alcohol thermometer, used to measure air cooling power and, indirectly, small wind speeds in circulating air, by measuring the time taken for the temperature of the bulb of alcohol to make a specified drop (100° to 95°F).
KATA THERMOMETERS, noun. Plural of kata thermometer
KATA TJUTA, proper noun. Rock formation in central Australia close to Uluru, formerly known as The Olgas.

Wise words

Every creature is a word of God.
Meister Eckhart