Associations to the word «Infringe»
- Claim
- Complaint
- Guarantee
- Legislation
- Neutrality
- User
- Cease
- Propriety
- Militia
- Oracle
- Conscience
- Repeal
- Autonomy
- Servitude
- Redress
- Law
- Contracting
- Disclosure
- Copy
- Remove
- Tiffany
- License
- Parody
- Exemption
- Restriction
- Appeal
- Equivalent
- Invention
- Presumption
- Filing
- Authorization
- Adolescence
- Doctrine
- Dignity
- Conduct
- Speech
- Clone
- Requiring
- Exercise
- Jurisdiction
- Suit
- Validity
- Domain
- Judgment
- Keyword
- Claimant
- Penalty
- Declaration
- Nexus
- Judiciary
- Discrimination
- Owner
- Applicant
- Regulation
- Pretence
- Nintendo
- Equality
- Prosecution
- Protection
- Notice
- Circuit
- Prodigy
- Linux
INFRINGE, verb. (transitive) Break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc.
INFRINGE, verb. (intransitive) Break in or encroach on something.
Dictionary definition
INFRINGE, verb. Go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules".
INFRINGE, verb. Advance beyond the usual limit.
Wise words
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.