Associations to the word «Cockeyed»


COCKEYED, adjective. (US) Having both eyes oriented inward.
COCKEYED, adjective. (US) Crooked or askew.
COCKEYED, adjective. (US) (informal) Absurd, silly, or stupid; usually used in reference to ideas rather than people.
COCKEYED, adjective. Drunk.

Dictionary definition

COCKEYED, adjective. Turned or twisted toward one side; "a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry"- G.K.Chesterton; "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff".
COCKEYED, adjective. Incongruous;inviting ridicule; "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework"; "that's a cockeyed idea"; "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer"; "a contribution so small as to be laughable"; "it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion"; "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history"; "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous".
COCKEYED, adjective. Very drunk.

Wise words

Words derive their power from the original word.
Meister Eckhart