Associations to the word «Case»
- Shoe
- Amnesia
- Diarrhea
- Solicitor
- Sherlock
- Validity
- Prevalence
- Culprit
- Seizure
- Generalization
- Ingestion
- Swine
- Blade
- Prognosis
- Instance
- Hysteria
- Espionage
- Detainee
- Burglary
- Cholera
- Gun
- Possessor
- Stack
- Barrister
- Compensation
- Decision
- Allegation
- Breach
- Trial
- Mutation
- Necessity
- Argument
- Sentence
- Tube
- Cite
- Theorem
- Respondent
- Obstruction
- Overdose
- Copyright
- Infection
- Presentation
- Tense
- Lesion
- Segregation
- Regression
- Forgery
- Round
- Landmark
- Proceeding
- Diagnosis
- Detention
- Paralysis
- Circumstance
- Carcinoma
- Coercion
- Exposure
Pictures for the word «Case»
CASE, noun. An actual event, situation, or fact.
CASE, noun. (now rare) A given condition or state.
CASE, noun. A piece of work, specifically defined within a profession.
CASE, noun. (academia) An instance or event as a topic of study.
CASE, noun. (legal) A legal proceeding, lawsuit.
CASE, noun. (grammar) A specific inflection of a word depending on its function in the sentence.
CASE, noun. (grammar) (uncountable) Grammatical cases and their meanings taken either as a topic in general or within a specific language.
CASE, noun. (medicine) An instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms.
CASE, noun. (computing) (programming) A section of code representing one of the actions of a conditional switch.
CASE, verb. (obsolete) To propose hypothetical cases.
CASE, noun. A box that contains or can contain a number of identical items of manufacture.
CASE, noun. A box, sheath, or covering generally.
CASE, noun. A piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus such as a sewing machine.
CASE, noun. An enclosing frame or casing.
CASE, noun. A suitcase.
CASE, noun. A piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic, within which items can be displayed.
CASE, noun. The outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus such as a computer.
CASE, noun. (printing) (historical) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type, traditionally arranged in sets of two, the "upper case" (containing capitals, small capitals, accented) and "lower case" (small letters, figures, punctuation marks, quadrats, and spaces).
CASE, noun. (typography) (by extension) The nature of a piece of alphabetic type, whether a “capital” (upper case) or “small” (lower case) letter.
CASE, noun. (poker slang) Four of a kind.
CASE, noun. (US) A unit of liquid measure used to measure sales in the beverage industry, equivalent to 192 fluid ounces.
CASE, noun. (mining) A small fissure which admits water into the workings.
CASE, adjective. (poker slang) The last remaining card of a particular rank.
CASE, verb. (transitive) To place (an item or items of manufacture) into a box, as in preparation for shipment.
CASE, verb. (transitive) To cover or protect with, or as if with, a case; to enclose.
CASE, verb. (transitive) (informal) To survey (a building or other location) surreptitiously, as in preparation for a robbery.
CASE, noun. (computing) (software) computer-aided software engineering.
CASE, noun. (industry) coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers.
CASE, noun. (grammar) abstract feature of a noun phrase that determines its function in a sentence, such as a grammatical case and a position.
CASE AND POINT, noun. Common misconstruction of case in point
CASE BADGE, noun. A small sticker, usually placed on the front of a personal computer, stating the name of the company who produced the computer.
CASE BOOK, noun. Alternative spelling of casebook
CASE BOOKS, noun. Plural of case book (alternative spelling of casebooks).
CASE CITATION, noun. (legal) A combination of numbers and abbreviations used in common law countries to identify the opinion of a court, including the names of the parties, case reporter, name of the court, year of the decision, and sometimes the page of the opinion that is cited.
CASE CITATIONS, noun. Plural of case citation
CASE CLOCK, noun. (in combination) A clock in a specified type of case
CASE DEPENDENT, adjective. (computer science) Upper case and lower case letters have different meaning, they are interpreted separate.
CASE ENDING, noun. (grammar) (in nouns and adjectives that inflect to mark grammatical case) A suffix-like element which indicates a word’s grammatical case, number, and gender.
CASE ENDINGS, noun. Plural of case ending
CASE FAN, noun. A cooling fan in a personal computer
CASE FRACTION, noun. A fraction typeset as one glyph. For example, ½ rather than 1/2.
CASE GRAMMAR, noun. Any of a class of grammars that focus on the link between the valence of a verb and the grammatical context it requires.
CASE GRAMMARS, noun. Plural of case grammar
CASE HARDEN, verb. (metallurgy) To impart greater hardness to the surface of a piece of metal.
CASE HARDENED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of case harden
CASE HARDENED, adjective. (metallurgy) Metal that is harder at its surface, due to a case hardening process.
CASE HARDENING, verb. Present participle of case harden
CASE HARDENING, noun. (metallurgy) The process of imparting greater hardness to the surface of a piece of metal.
CASE HISTORIES, noun. Plural of case history
CASE HISTORY, noun. The details of the history of some case (often medical).
CASE IN POINT, noun. (idiomatic) An example that illustrates a point.
CASE INSENSITIVE, adjective. (computer science) Treating or interpreting upper- and lowercase letters as being the same. Often used in computer science to indicate a comparison or equality test that does not distinguish between letters that only differ in case.
CASE KNIFE, noun. A knife carried in a sheath or case.
CASE KNIFE, noun. A large table knife of a kind formerly kept in a case.
CASE KNIVES, noun. Plural of case knife
CASE LAW, noun. Law or system of laws established based on judicial precedent rather than on statutory laws created by legislation.
CASE LAWS, noun. Plural of case law
CASE OF THE MONDAYS, noun. (jocular) A fictitious disorder associated with the tiredness, irritability or distractedness that comes from returning to work after the weekend.
CASE OFFICER, noun. A person assigned to manage a client's affairs.
CASE OFFICER, noun. In intelligence organisations, a person who manages an intelligence officer.
CASE OFFICERS, noun. Plural of case officer
CASE QUARTER, noun. A single 25 cent coin as opposed to any combination of coins adding up to 25 cents
CASE REPORT, noun. (medicine) A detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient, possibly containing a demographic profile of the patient, but usually describing an unusual or novel occurrence.
CASE REPORTER, noun. (legal) A bound volume containing printed legal opinions from a specific jurisdiction.
CASE REPORTERS, noun. Plural of case reporter
CASE SENSITIVE, adjective. (computer science) Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters. Often used in computer science to indicate a distinction is made in comparison or equality of letters based on case. For example, a case-sensitive password will not recognize "Password" and "password" as the same, but a case insensitive comparison would.
CASE SENSITIVITY, noun. (programming) The characteristic of being case sensitive; having different reactions to typed letters based on whether the letters are uppercase or lowercase.
CASE SHOT, noun. (military) (historical) A collection of small projectiles enclosed in a case or canister.
CASE SHOTS, noun. Plural of case shot
CASE STUDIES, noun. Plural of case study
CASE STUDY, noun. Research performed in detail on a single individual, group, incident or community, as opposed to, for instance, a sample of the whole population.
Dictionary definition
CASE, noun. An occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths".
CASE, noun. A special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled".
CASE, noun. A comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the family brought suit against the landlord".
CASE, noun. The actual state of things; "that was not the case".
CASE, noun. A portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage".
CASE, noun. A person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor".
CASE, noun. A person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities".
CASE, noun. A problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir".
CASE, noun. A statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly".
CASE, noun. The quantity contained in a case.
CASE, noun. Nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence.
CASE, noun. A specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters".
CASE, noun. A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case".
CASE, noun. A specific size and style of type within a type family.
CASE, noun. An enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part.
CASE, noun. The housing or outer covering of something; "the clock has a walnut case".
CASE, noun. The enclosing frame around a door or window opening; "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced".
CASE, noun. (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers; "for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters".
CASE, noun. Bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase".
CASE, noun. A glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home.
CASE, verb. Look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed".
CASE, verb. Enclose in, or as if in, a case; "my feet were encased in mud".
Wise words
Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and
meanings differently arranged have different effects.