Associations to the word «Carp»
- Forge
- Pest
- Fed
- Tiger
- Otter
- Pool
- Bucharest
- Paddy
- Pitching
- Poly
- Partridge
- Dragon
- Tonne
- Watts
- Mademoiselle
- Vinegar
- Ecosystem
- Oat
- Sabre
- Egg
- Pie
- Swim
- Rhine
- Butter
- Nile
- Conservation
- Bowen
- Habitat
- Deer
- Brewing
- Rabbit
- Lemon
- Variety
- Dam
- Carbon
- Fisher
- Channel
- Watershed
- Hook
- Var
- Japan
- Rivers
- Sock
- Fable
- Murray
- Chateau
- Lions
- Taxonomy
- Lotus
- Unification
- Esq
- Predator
- Asp
- Waterfall
- Stream
- Carol
- Potato
- Ontario
- Yeast
- Water
- Oriental
- Seine
- Kettle
- Wildlife
- Virus
- Christmas
- Rbi
- Scorpion
- Introduction
- Heather
- Gut
- Vera
- Mutation
- Paula
CARP, noun. Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, especially the common carp, Cyprinus carpio.
CARP, verb. To complain about a fault; to harp on.
CARP, verb. (obsolete) To say; to tell.
CARP, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To find fault with; to censure.
CARP BREAM, noun. A species of freshwater bream, Abramis brama
CARP BREAMS, noun. Plural of carp bream
CARP LOUSE, noun. A small crustacean of the family Argulidae, parasitic on carp and allied fishes.
Dictionary definition
CARP, noun. The lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised.
CARP, noun. Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae.
CARP, verb. Raise trivial objections.
Wise words
Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say
"infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no
word left when you want to talk about something really