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Associations to the word «Back»


BACK, adjective. (not comparable) Near the rear.
BACK, adjective. (not comparable) Not current.
BACK, adjective. (not comparable) Far from the main area.
BACK, adjective. In arrear; overdue.
BACK, adjective. Moving or operating backward.
BACK, adjective. (comparable) (phonetics) Produced in the back of the mouth.
BACK, adverb. (not comparable) To or in a previous condition or place.
BACK, adverb. Away from the front or from an edge.
BACK, adverb. In a manner that impedes.
BACK, adverb. In a reciprocal manner.
BACK, noun. The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly.
BACK, noun. The spine and associated tissues.
BACK, noun. (slang) (uncountable) Large and attractive buttocks.
BACK, noun. (figurative) The part of a piece of clothing which covers the back.
BACK, noun. The backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back.
BACK, noun. (obsolete) That part of the body that bears clothing.
BACK, noun. That which is farthest away from the front.
BACK, noun. The side of any object which is opposite the front or useful side.
BACK, noun. The edge of a book which is bound.
BACK, noun. (printing) The inside margin of a page.
BACK, noun. The side of a blade opposite the side used for cutting.
BACK, noun. The reverse side; the side that is not normally seen.
BACK, noun. Area behind, such as the backyard of a house.
BACK, noun. The part of something that goes last.
BACK, noun. (sports) In some team sports, a position behind most players on the team.
BACK, noun. (figuratively) Upper part of a natural object which is considered to resemble an animal's back.
BACK, noun. A support or resource in reserve.
BACK, noun. (nautical) The keel and keelson of a ship.
BACK, noun. (mining) The roof of a horizontal underground passage.
BACK, noun. (slang) (uncountable) Effort, usually physical.
BACK, noun. A non-alcoholic drink (often water or a soft drink), to go with hard liquor or a cocktail.
BACK, noun. Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides.
BACK, verb. (intransitive) To go in the reverse direction.
BACK, verb. (transitive) To support.
BACK, verb. (nautical) (of the wind) To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
BACK, verb. (nautical) (of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship.
BACK, verb. (nautical) (of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power.
BACK, verb. (UK) (of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
BACK, verb. (transitive) To push or force backwards.
BACK, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To get upon the back of; to mount.
BACK, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To place or seat upon the back.
BACK, verb. To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
BACK, verb. To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
BACK, verb. To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.
BACK, verb. (legal) (of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender).
BACK, verb. To row backward with (oars).
BACK, noun. A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc.
BACK, noun. A ferryboat.
BACK ALLEY, noun. An alleyway that runs behind a row of houses, or between rows of houses
BACK ALLEYS, noun. Plural of back alley
BACK ALLEYWAY, noun. A back alley
BACK ALLEYWAYS, noun. Plural of back alleyway
BACK AND FILL, verb. (nautical) To manage the sails of a ship so that the wind strikes them alternately in front and behind, in order to keep the ship in the middle of a river or channel while the current or tide carries the vessel against the wind.
BACK AND FILL, verb. (figurative) To take opposite positions alternately; to assert and deny.
BACK AND FORE, adverb. Back and forth; from one place to another and back again.
BACK AND FORTH, adverb. From one place to another and back again.
BACK AND FORTH, adjective. Going from one place or position to another and back again.
BACK AND FORTH, noun. The movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position. May refer to a concept such as an emotional state or a relationship as well as a physical thing.
BACK AND FORTH, noun. (idiomatic) Negotiations or discussions between two or more parties, a dialog.
BACK AND FORTHS, noun. Plural of back and forth
BACK AND FORWARD, adverb. (archaic) Synonym of back and forth.
BACK ANSWER, noun. A sharp reply given to someone.
BACK AWAY, verb. (intransitive) To move in a direction opposite where one is facing, keeping some (or most) of your attention on the thing in front being avoided.
BACK BACON, noun. Bacon prepared from centre-cut boneless pork loin.
BACK BEARING, noun. (navigation) A bearing taken pointing to the exact opposite direction to the direction heading
BACK BEAT, noun. Any of the even beats in music, as opposed to the odd downbeats.
BACK BEATS, noun. Plural of back beat
BACK BITER, noun. Alternative form of backbiter
BACK BITERS, noun. Plural of back biter, an alternative form of backbiter
BACK BLOCKS, noun. (slang) Remote countryside.
BACK BOARD, noun. (curling) The border at the extreme ends of the sheet.
BACK BOILER, noun. A boiler that supplies a central heating and hot water system and is fitted into a fireplace recess, normally behind a gas fire
BACK BOILER, noun. A similar boiler, that just supplies hot water, fitted behind an open fire or in a range.
BACK BURN, noun. Alternative spelling of backburn
BACK BURNER, noun. A section of a stove used to keep some pots warm while one focuses on others.
BACK BURNER, noun. (idiomatic) A state of low urgency; a state of low current importance.
BACK BURNERS, noun. Plural of back burner
BACK CATALOG, noun. US spelling of back catalogue
BACK CATALOGUE, noun. A listing of all the works of a specific artist, or all the books, records etc of a specific publisher, including works that are no longer available
BACK CATALOGUE, noun. (informal) The works themselves
BACK CATALOGUES, noun. Plural of back catalogue
BACK CHANNEL, noun. The smaller of two channels in a river that diverge to form an island
BACK CHANNEL, noun. An unofficial communications channel used to make informal or subversive negotiations
BACK CHANNEL, noun. (linguistics) A gesture or short prompt by which a listener invites a speaker to continue.
BACK COUNTRY, noun. A remote part of a country
BACK COVER, noun. (of a book, magazine etc) the cover on the opposite side of the front cover; back of the book; associated with sports pages in publications.
BACK CRAWL, noun. A style of swimming using the backstroke
BACK CROSS, noun. (juggling) A throw where the object is caught and then thrown from behind the back.
BACK CROSSES, noun. Plural of back cross
BACK DIVE, noun. (diving) A backwards dive
BACK DOOR, noun. A subsidiary entrance to a building or house at its rear, normally away from the street.
BACK DOOR, noun. A means of access, often secret and unprotected, to something.
BACK DOOR, noun. (computing) A secret means of access to a program or system.
BACK DOOR, noun. (slang) The anus, generally used in reference to anal sex.
BACK DOOR, adjective. (US) (baseball) The path of a pitch which starts outside and then slides over the plate.
BACK DOOR, verb. To attempt to accomplish by indirect means, especially when direct means are proscribed.
BACK DOOR, verb. (surfing) To enter a tube by accelerating from behind; to surf into an already formed hollow wave, in contrast to the normal method of slowing to allow a surfable wave to form.
BACK DOORS, noun. Plural of back door
BACK DOUBLE BICEPS, noun. (bodybuilding) A standard pose in which both sets of biceps and back muscles are flexed, with one's back turned toward the judges.
BACK DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To take a less aggressive position in a conflict than one previously has or has planned to.
BACK END, noun. The rear, back, or invisible portion (of something).
BACK END, noun. (computing) that part of a hardware or software system that is farthest from the user; the internals rather than the user interface.
BACK END, noun. (UK dialectal) (Northern England) (Scotland) The latter end of any given time, especially the latter part of the year; autumn; late autumn.
BACK ENDS, noun. Plural of back end
BACK FEET, noun. Plural of back foot
BACK FIRE, noun. A small, controlled fire set in the path of a larger uncontrolled fire, in order to limit the spread of the large fire by removing its fuel.
BACK FIRE, noun. An explosion produced either by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the air intake or exhaust system rather than inside the combustion chamber or unburned fuel or hydrocarbons ignited somewhere in the exhaust system.
BACK FIRES, noun. Plural of back fire
BACK FIVE, noun. (rugby union) Collectively, the backs (the 2 wings, fullback, outside centre and inside centre).
BACK FOOT, noun. (cricket) The batsman's foot closest to the wicket
BACK FOOT SHOT, noun. (cricket) A shot played by the batsman with most of his weight on the back foot.
BACK FOOT SHOTS, noun. Plural of back foot shot
BACK FORMATION, noun. (linguistics) Alternative spelling of backformation
BACK FORMATIONS, noun. Plural of back formation
BACK FORTY, noun. (US) The remote part of a farm.
BACK FORTY, noun. (US) (idiomatic) The most remote or inaccessible part of any place.
BACK FOUR, noun. (football) The set of defenders in a team.
BACK GAMMON PLAYER, noun. (idiomatic) (1811) A person, chiefly a homosexual, who has anal sex.
BACK GAMMON PLAYERS, noun. Plural of back gammon player
BACK GARDEN, noun. A garden at the rear of a property.
BACK GARDENS, noun. Plural of back garden
BACK HOUSE, noun. Garden apartment
BACK HOUSES, noun. Plural of back house
BACK IN, verb. To reverse a vehicle into a space.
BACK IN, verb. (idiomatic) A betting term from French hazard
BACK IN DAY, adverb. (chiefly AAVE) (Yorkshire) (nonstandard) Alternative form of back in the day
BACK IN THE DAY, prepositional phrase. (temporal location) (idiomatic) (informal) In the distant past; especially, at a time fondly remembered.
BACK INTO, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see back,‎ into.
BACK INTO, verb. (idiomatic) To rely upon another team's loss in order to advance to the post-season, especially in the context of one's own team's loss.
BACK ISSUE, noun. An edition of a magazine, etc, that was published earlier than the current edition.
BACK ISSUES, noun. Plural of back issue
BACK KITCHEN, noun. A scullery.
BACK KITCHENS, noun. Plural of back kitchen
BACK LABOR, noun. Intense pain in one's back while in labor (giving birth).
BACK LABORS, noun. Plural of back labor
BACK LABOUR, noun. UK spelling of back labor
BACK LABOURS, noun. Plural of back labour
BACK LANE, noun. (British) (Canadian) An alleyway that runs behind a row of houses, or between rows of houses; back alley.
BACK LINE, noun. (football) Collectively, the defenders of a team.
BACK LINE, noun. (field hockey) The line running across the goal to the corners of the playing field.
BACK LINES, noun. Plural of back line
BACK MATTER, noun. The parts of a book that appear after the main portion of the body text, including the afterword, index and bibliography; the end matter.
BACK NUMBER, noun. A back issue of a magazine, etc.
BACK NUMBER, noun. Anything considered old-fashioned.
BACK NUMBERS, noun. Plural of back number
BACK O' BOURKE, adverb. (Australia) (informal) At or to an extremely remote place.
BACK O' BOURKE, noun. (Australia) (informal) An extremely remote place.
BACK OF BEYOND, noun. (chiefly British) (idiomatic) A very remote place.
BACK OF HOUSE, noun. The part of a restaurant etc. not open to the public.
BACK OF ONE'S HAND, noun. A slap.
BACK OF ONE'S HAND, noun. (figurative) (by extension) A display of disrespect or scorn.
BACK OF ONE'S MIND, noun. (singulare tantum) One's remote memory
BACK OF ONE'S MIND, noun. (singulare tantum) The supposed location of low-importance plans
BACK OF THE NET, interjection. (British) (colloquial) Often smug expression of triumph or happiness.
BACK OFF, verb. (literally) To move backwards away from something.
BACK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To become less aggressive, particularly when one had appeared committed to act.
BACK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To lower the setting of.
BACK OFFICE, noun. (idiomatic) The IT and infrastructure support services for a company, separate from the public face of the business.
BACK ON TO, verb. (transitive) Alternative spelling of back onto
BACK ONESELF INTO A CORNER, verb. Alternative term for paint oneself into a corner
BACK ONTO, verb. (transitive) To reverse a vehicle onto something.
BACK ONTO, verb. (transitive) To overlook something from the rear.
BACK ORDER, noun. An order that cannot be currently filled or shipped, but is requested nonetheless for when the item becomes available again.
BACK ORDER, verb. To treat as a back order.
BACK OUT, verb. To reverse a vehicle from a confined space.
BACK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To withdraw from something one has agreed to do.
BACK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To dare someone to not withdraw from a challenge.
BACK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) A betting term from French hazard
BACK OUT, verb. (idiomatic) (computing) To undo a change.
BACK PAGE, noun. The final page of a publication of some sort; especially a book.
BACK PAIN, noun. Pain felt in the back.
BACK PAINS, noun. Plural of back pain
BACK PASS, noun. (soccer) The handling of the ball by the goalkeeper.
BACK PASSAGE, noun. The passage between two terraced houses leading between and the front and back gardens or yards.
BACK PASSAGE, noun. (slang) anus
BACK PASSES, noun. Plural of back pass
BACK PAYMENT, noun. An overdue payment from a debtor to a creditor on money owed.
BACK PAYMENTS, noun. Plural of back payment
BACK PORCH, noun. A porch at the rear of a building.
BACK PORCH, noun. (television) The portion of each scan line between the end (rising edge) of the horizontal sync pulse and the start of active video, used to restore the black level reference in analog video.
BACK PORCHES, noun. Plural of back porch
BACK POST, noun. Far post
BACK PROJECTION, noun. (film) A cinematic technique in which live action is filmed in front of a screen on which the background action or a background scene is projected.
BACK PROJECTIONS, noun. Plural of back projection
BACK ROAD, noun. A secondary road, a little used road, a road through rural areas sometimes used as alternate to main roads.
BACK ROW, noun. The last row of seats in a theater or any group of seats.
BACK ROW, noun. A row near the back of the theater or group of seats.
BACK ROW, noun. (rugby) The row of players in a scrum, consisting of two flankers and a number eight.
BACK ROWS, noun. Plural of back row
BACK SCRATCHER, noun. Alternative form of backscratcher
BACK SCRUBBER, noun. An utensil in the form of a brush or a sponge on a long handle, used to scrub the back while bathing
BACK SEAT, noun. Any of the seats in the rear of a vehicle.
BACK SEAT, noun. (informal) A powerless position.
BACK SEATS, noun. Plural of back seat
BACK SHELL, noun. Alternative form of backshell
BACK SLAP, noun. A slap delivered with the back of one's hand instead of the palm-side of an open hand.
BACK SLAP, noun. (martial arts) A controlled landing, slapping to the mat with one's back.
BACK SLAP, noun. (sports) An encouraging pat on one's back.
BACK STAIRS, noun. Alternative spelling of backstairs
BACK STORIES, noun. Plural of back story
BACK STORY, noun. Alternative spelling of backstory
BACK STRAIGHT, noun. (athletics) The straight part of a running track (or similar) opposite the finishing line.
BACK STRAIGHTS, noun. Plural of back straight
BACK STREET, noun. A usually small and narrow street or alley, especially one in inferior or poorer parts of a city, away from the centre.
BACK STREET, noun. A secret, clandestine or illegal scene.
BACK TAXES, noun. Taxes that were not paid when due.
BACK THE FIELD, verb. In horse racing, to bet against a particular horse or horses, that some one of all the other horses, collectively designated "the field", will win.
BACK THE RIGHT HORSE, verb. To support someone who will succeed.
BACK TITRATION, noun. A form of titration in which an excess of standard reagent is added and then the reverse of the normal titration is carried out
BACK TO BACK JACK, noun. (baseball) Two home runs hit by consecutive batters
BACK TO BACK TICKET, noun. (travel) (UK) (Ireland) Any of a series of airline tickets, issued with overlapping travel dates, used to circumvent airfare minimum stay requirements.
BACK TO BASICS, adverb. Back to fundamental principles
BACK TO BASICS, noun. (politics) (chiefly British) A conscious return to principles such as self-respect, decency and honesty; especially the discredited policy of the Conservative government in the 1990s.
BACK TO FRONT, adverb. Turned so that the back is now at the front.
BACK TO FRONT, adjective. Reversed, with the back now at the front.
BACK TO NATURE, adjective. Turning away from urban environs and attitudes, towards an organic, agrarian lifestyle.
BACK TO SQUARE ONE, adjective. (idiomatic) Located back at the start, as after a dead-end or failure.
BACK TO SQUARE ONE, adverb. (idiomatic) Back to the start, as after a dead-end or failure.
BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD, adverb. (idiomatic) Back to the beginning following an unsuccessful attempt.
BACK TO THE WALL, noun. (idiomatic) (Can we clean up([1]) this sense?) A very difficult situation with no beneficial options available for action.
BACK TOOTH, noun. (dentistry) A molar.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To move backwards, especially for a vehicle to do so.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To move a vehicle backwards.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To undo one's actions.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To reconsider one's thoughts.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (computing) (transitive) To copy (data) as a security measure.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To provide support or the promise of support.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) (cricket) For the non-striker to take a few steps down the pitch, in preparation to taking a run, just as the bowler bowls the ball.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) (cricket) For a fielder to position himself behind the wicket (relative to a team-mate who is throwing the ball at the wicket) so as to stop the ball, and prevent overthrows.
BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) (of a blockage) To halt the flow or movement of something.
BACK VOWEL, noun. (phonetics) Any vowel sound produced in the back of the mouth. Examples: "u" in “rule” and "o" in “pole”
BACK VOWELS, noun. Plural of back vowel
BACK WALL, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see back,‎ wall.
BACK WALL, noun. The wall at the back of a racquetball or squash court, directly opposite the front wall.
BACK WALLS, noun. Plural of back wall
BACK WASH, noun. Alternative spelling of backwash
BACK WASH, verb. Alternative spelling of backwash
BACK WATER, noun. Alternative spelling of backwater
BACK WATER, verb. (nautical) To reverse the action of the oars, paddles, or propeller, so as to force the boat or ship backward.
BACK WATERS, noun. Plural of back water
BACK YARD, noun. Alternative spelling of backyard
BACK YARDS, noun. Plural of back yard

Dictionary definition

BACK, noun. The posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned".
BACK, noun. The side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph".
BACK, noun. The part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store".
BACK, noun. (football) a person who plays in the backfield.
BACK, noun. The series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord; "the fall broke his back".
BACK, noun. The protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book; "the book had a leather binding".
BACK, noun. The part of a garment that covers the back of your body; "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back".
BACK, noun. A support that you can lean against while sitting; "the back of the dental chair was adjustable".
BACK, noun. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage.
BACK, verb. Be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960".
BACK, verb. Travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree".
BACK, verb. Give support or one's approval to; "I'll second that motion"; "I can't back this plan"; "endorse a new project".
BACK, verb. Cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot".
BACK, verb. Support financial backing for; "back this enterprise".
BACK, verb. Be in back of; "My garage backs their yard".
BACK, verb. Place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse".
BACK, verb. Shift to a counterclockwise direction; "the wind backed".
BACK, verb. Establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?".
BACK, verb. Strengthen by providing with a back or backing.
BACK, adverb. In or to or toward a former location; "she went back to her parents' house".
BACK, adverb. At or to or toward the back or rear; "he moved back"; "tripped when he stepped backward"; "she looked rearward out the window of the car".
BACK, adverb. In or to or toward an original condition; "he went back to sleep".
BACK, adverb. In or to or toward a past time; "set the clocks back an hour"; "never look back"; "lovers of the past looking fondly backward".
BACK, adverb. In reply; "he wrote back three days later".
BACK, adverb. In repayment or retaliation; "we paid back everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and I hit him back"; "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher".
BACK, adjective. Related to or located at the back; "the back yard"; "the back entrance".
BACK, adjective. Located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass".
BACK, adjective. Of an earlier date; "back issues of the magazine".

Wise words

He that hath knowledge spareth his words.
Francis Bacon