Associations to the word «Ann»
- Med
- Karen
- Romney
- Hester
- Parenthesis
- Lisa
- Marcia
- Goldstein
- Rosemary
- Becky
- Rafe
- Patti
- Tracy
- Veda
- Laurie
- Kathy
- Mcnamara
- Cape
- Mclaughlin
- Shoemaker
- Geraldine
- Granddaughter
- Ginger
- Valerie
- Katharine
- Julia
- Christine
- Tina
- Scarborough
- Louise
- Hannah
- Susan
- Toni
- Jane
- Beth
- Lynn
- Janice
- Dorothy
- Patsy
- Grandchild
- Carolyn
- Lynne
- Rebecca
- Hanson
- Lydia
- Melissa
- Jennifer
- Emily
- Brenda
- Sandra
- Weep
- Lee
- Starring
- Actress
- Lucy
- Jacqueline
- Daughter
- Linda
- Bridget
- Christy
- Gaines
- Campbell
- Katherine
- Rodney
- Rooney
- Gan
- Greer
- Klaus
- Annie
- Meredith
- Doll
- Caroline
- Sitter
- Marilyn
- Buckley
- Yvonne
- Sylvia
- Catherine
- Phoebe
- Marjorie
- Mickey
- Olive
- Stephanie
- Sophie
- Barton
- Glover
- Eliot
- Michelle
- Colleen
- Lucille
- Gillespie
- Susanna
- Detroit
- Patty
- Susie
- Eng
ANN, proper noun. A female given name.
ANN, noun. Abbreviation of anniversary.
ANN, adjective. Abbreviation of annual.
ANN, noun. (legal) (Scotland) A half year's stipend, over and above what is owing for the incumbency, due to a minister's heirs after his decease.
Wise words
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings