Associations to the word «Ancient»
- Iliad
- Athens
- Nara
- Pottery
- Historiography
- Tomb
- Excavation
- Veda
- Astrology
- Maya
- Vestige
- Wisdom
- Dynasty
- Artefact
- Superstition
- Edifice
- Inscription
- Lore
- Amulet
- Galen
- Gods
- Scribe
- Pagan
- Socrates
- Veneration
- Latin
- Persian
- Cicero
- Levant
- Byzantine
- Tradition
- Subcontinent
- Ritual
- Renaissance
- Religion
- Temple
- Hebrew
- Shamanism
- Epithet
- Vase
- Confucius
- Cult
- Antiquary
- Humanist
- Proverb
- Millennium
- Iconography
- Homer
- Fragmentary
- Alchemy
- Philosopher
- Priestess
- Treatise
- Athenian
- Scripture
- Divinity
- Splendour
- Sphinx
- Astronomy
- Confucianism
- Oracle
- Rebirth
- Turkic
- Humanity
- Pm
- Mariner
- Briton
- Rus
- Judah
- Ancient
- Pegasus
- Earthwork
- Druid
- Encyclopedia
ANCIENT, adjective. Having lasted from a remote period; having been of long duration; of great age; very old.
ANCIENT, adjective. Existent or occurring in time long past, usually in remote ages; belonging to or associated with antiquity; old, as opposed to modern.
ANCIENT, adjective. (history) Relating to antiquity as a primarily European historical period; the time before the Middle Ages.
ANCIENT, adjective. (obsolete) Experienced; versed.
ANCIENT, adjective. (obsolete) Former; sometime.
ANCIENT, noun. A person who is very old.
ANCIENT, noun. A person who lived in ancient times.
ANCIENT, noun. (heraldry) (archaic) A flag, banner, standard or ensign.
ANCIENT, noun. (UK) (legal) One of the senior members of the Inns of Court or of Chancery.
ANCIENT, noun. (obsolete) A senior; an elder; a predecessor.
ANCIENT ASTRONAUT, noun. A theoretical extraterrestrial being associated with paleocontact
ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS, noun. Plural of ancient astronaut
ANCIENT CHURCH OF THE EAST, proper noun. An Nestorian Church that split from the Assyrian Church of the East over differences concerning the calendar
ANCIENT DOCUMENT, noun. (legal) In the law of evidence, a document which is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule, and which is considered self-authenticating, because it is older than a certain age (usually twenty years), in a condition that makes it free from suspicion concerning its authenticity, and was found in a place where such a writing was likely to be kept.
ANCIENT DOCUMENTS, noun. Plural of ancient document
ANCIENT EGYPT, proper noun. A civilization that existed in the valley of the Nile River from ca. 3150 BC to 30 BC. Noted for building the Great Pyramids of Giza.
ANCIENT GREECE, proper noun. The Greek speaking world in ancient times, geographically referring not only to modern Greece and southern Balkan peninsula but also to areas of Hellenic culture that were settled during ancient times by Greeks: Cyprus, the Aegean coast of Ionia, southern Italian peninsula and Sicily (known as Magna Graecia) and the scattered Greek settlements on the coasts of what are now Albania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Libya, southern France, southern Spain, Catalonia, Georgia, Romania, and Ukraine.
ANCIENT GREECE, proper noun. The civilization that flourished around the Mediterranean Sea from the 3rd millennium to the 1st century BCE (including the first two European civilizations, Minoan and Mycenaean), known as the cradle of Western civilization.
ANCIENT GREEK, proper noun. Any of the various forms of the Greek language of classical antiquity, particularly the classical Attic dialect used in Athenian literature.
ANCIENT GREEK, noun. A native or inhabitant of Ancient Greece.
ANCIENT GREEK, adjective. Of, from, or related to Ancient Greece.
ANCIENT GREEK, adjective. Of, from, or related to the Ancient Greek languages or peoples.
ANCIENT HISTORY, noun. (idiomatic) That which happened a long time ago and not worth discussing any more.
ANCIENT HISTORY, noun. A period of history generally seen as occurring before the Middle Ages, that is, before the fall of the Roman Empire. Includes Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
ANCIENT LIGHTS, noun. (legal) The right, based in English common law, of a property owner to retain an accustomed, unobstructed view and satisfactory illumination from his or her window(s), restricting nearby construction which would obstruct such a view or such illumination; the window(s) providing such an accustomed view or satisfactory illumination.
ANCIENT MACEDONIAN, proper noun. The language of Ancient Macedonians, spoken in Macedon during the 1st millennium BC.
ANCIENT OF DAYS, proper noun. (Christianity) (Bible) God
ANCIENT PYRAMID, noun. One of a number of monumental structures built by ancient civilizations in the shape of a pyramid with a rectangular base.
ANCIENT PYRAMIDS, noun. Plural of ancient pyramid
ANCIENT ROMAN, adjective. Of or relating to Ancient Rome.
ANCIENT ROMAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Ancient Rome.
ANCIENT ROMANS, noun. Plural of Ancient Roman
ANCIENT ROME, proper noun. The civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 12th century AD and the Roman Empire centered on it
Dictionary definition
ANCIENT, noun. A very old person.
ANCIENT, noun. A person who lived in ancient times.
ANCIENT, adjective. Belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire; "ancient history"; "ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians"; "ancient Greece".
ANCIENT, adjective. Very old; "an ancient mariner".
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.