Associations to the word «Afield»
- Norm
- Disposal
- Emergency
- Wanting
- Deer
- Medal
- Smith
- Trips
- Player
- Artefact
- Travelling
- Plough
- Best
- Cornwall
- Range
- Nottingham
- Exodus
- Commuter
- Cardiff
- Bristol
- Labourer
- Yorkshire
- Darlington
- Far
- Fact
- Birmingham
- Goal
- Destination
- Being
- Dew
- Sicily
- Brighton
- Cheshire
- Motorway
- Iceland
- Avon
- Merchant
- Durham
- Morocco
- Europe
- Dorset
- Bus
- Pupil
- Leeds
- Leicester
- Spread
- Mediterranean
- Trader
- Zimbabwe
- Gig
- Excursion
- Belfast
- Search
- Flock
- Fisherman
- Ireland
- Southampton
- Mainland
- Coventry
- Manchester
- Fishing
- Australia
- Liverpool
- Egypt
- Pottery
- Marseille
AFIELD, adverb. Away (from the home or starting point, physical or conceptual); usually preceded by far (or farther, further).
AFIELD, adverb. On the field.
Dictionary definition
AFIELD, adverb. Far away from home or one's usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall.
AFIELD, adverb. In or into a field (especially a field of battle); "the armies were afield, challenging the enemy's advance"; "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens".
AFIELD, adverb. Off the subject; beyond the point at issue; "such digressions can lead us too far afield".
Wise words
Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could
conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly
sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had
this power.