Associations to the word «Zany»


ZANY, adjective. Unusual and bizarre in a funny, comical way; outlandish; clownish
ZANY, adjective. Ludicrously or incongruously comical
ZANY, noun. (obsolete) A fool or clown. Especially one whose business on the stage was to imitate foolishly the actions of the principal clown

Dictionary definition

ZANY, noun. A buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect.
ZANY, noun. A man who is a stupid incompetent fool.
ZANY, adjective. Ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books".
ZANY, adjective. Like a clown; "a buffoonish walk"; "a clownish face"; "a zany sense of humor".

Wise words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain