Associations to the word «Zamindari»
- Abolition
- Nawab
- Raj
- Mughal
- Madras
- Bengal
- Bihar
- Occupancy
- Bahadur
- Rajput
- Maharaja
- Raja
- Presidency
- Estate
- Grievance
- Calcutta
- Singh
- Pradesh
- Landlord
- Caste
- Revenue
- Peasant
- India
- Independence
- Bangladesh
- Roy
- System
- British
- Khan
- Tenure
- Rebellion
- Farmer
- Eldest
- Acquisition
- Ownership
- Sri
- Ruler
- Settlement
- Reform
- Land
- Rule
- Kingdom
- Family
- Village
- District
- Province
- East
- Leadership
- Property
- Emperor
- Status
- Administration
- Century
- Government
- Movement
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ZAMINDARI, noun. (historical) In British India, a system used to collect revenues from the ryots (cultivators of agricultural land) indirectly through the zamindars, as opposed to ryotwari, where revenues were collected directly.
ZAMINDARI, noun. (historical) The office or jurisdiction of a zamindar.
ZAMINDARI, noun. (historical) The land possessed by a zamindar.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul