Associations to the word «Vesper»
- Royale
- Psalm
- Hymn
- Chime
- Sparrow
- Martini
- Ringing
- Bell
- Damien
- Casino
- Chant
- Evening
- Bond
- Choir
- Feast
- Fleming
- Prayer
- Bat
- Convent
- Vigil
- Liturgy
- Nun
- Chapel
- Monk
- Lent
- Anjou
- Sicily
- Lr
- Aragon
- Requiem
- Mozart
- Handel
- Chanting
- Hours
- Mouse
- Palermo
- Cantata
- Venice
- Mass
- Divine
- Mellon
- Easter
- Bach
- Octave
- Claudio
- Cloister
- Sunday
- Sacrament
- Rosary
- Isabel
- Incense
- Gideon
- Eucharist
- Noon
- Holy
- Verdi
- Entrepreneurship
- Solemnity
- Nativity
- Pages
- Rat
- Species
- Superfamily
- Tremble
- Transforming
- Procession
- Ascension
- Rite
- Haydn
- Masse
- Crypt
- Communion
- Fasting
- Naples
VESPER, noun. The bell that summons worshipers to vespers; the vesper-bell
VESPER, noun. (poetic) evening
VESPER, proper noun. Hesperus, Venus, the evening star
VESPER BAT, noun. A member of a family of bats, the Vespertilionidae.
VESPER BATS, noun. Plural of vesper bat
VESPER SPARROW, noun. Pooecetes gramineus, a medium-sized American sparrow.
Dictionary definition
VESPER, noun. A planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky.
VESPER, noun. A late afternoon or evening worship service.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.