Associations to the word «Leo»
- Vinci
- Viii
- Yiddish
- Vanessa
- Lyons
- Bingham
- Basilica
- Gregg
- Whiting
- Xi
- Romano
- Luther
- Bulgarian
- Wen
- Sasha
- Rome
- Archbishop
- Leopold
- Lev
- Roscoe
- Marks
- Iii
- Deacon
- Giovanni
- Halfback
- Astrology
- Heresy
- Burke
- Dillon
- Chloe
- Archdiocese
- Nietzsche
- Autism
- Tripoli
- Sigmund
- Ralph
- Graf
- Alexei
- Bing
- Alessandro
- Erich
- Novella
- Irene
- Pancho
- Hirsch
- Deutsch
- Lyman
- Bishop
- Beak
- Dunne
- Anton
- Brett
- Thrace
- Condemnation
- Erica
- Cyril
- Lobo
- Julian
- Rabbi
- Benedictine
- Chili
- Confessor
- Edict
- Diocese
- Congressman
- Kieran
- Alexandria
- Marx
- Picasso
- Ivan
- Diane
- Templar
- Accession
- Sphinx
- Leon
- Iv
- Francesco
- Everest
- Pietro
- Coronation
- Horus
- Ludwig
- Dodger
- Prefect
- Angelo
- Dalton
- Franz
- Chronicler
- Goodwin
- Dickens
LEO, proper noun. (archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Felidae — now included in Panthera.
LEO, proper noun. A male given name, borne by numerous saints and 13 popes.
LEO, proper noun. (zodiac constellations): A constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion and containing the bright star Regulus.
LEO, proper noun. (astrology): The zodiac sign for the Lion, ruled by the Sun and covering July 23 - August 22 (tropical astrology) or August 16 - September 15 (sidereal astrology).
LEO, noun. Someone with a Leo star sign
LEO, acronym. The Lyons Electronic Office Computer, an early British computer.
LEO, acronym. Low Earth Orbit
LEO, acronym. Law enforcement officer
LEO BELGICUS, proper noun. (heraldry) A map of the Low Countries drawn in the shape of a lion and sometimes used as a heraldic device.
LEO MINOR, proper noun. (constellation) A spring constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a small lion. It lies north of the constellation Leo and south of Ursa Major.
Dictionary definition
LEO, noun. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Leo.
LEO, noun. A zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo.
LEO, noun. The fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about July 23 to August 22.
Wise words
In words are seen the state of mind and character and
disposition of the speaker.