Associations to the word «Freedom»


FREEDOM, noun. (uncountable) The state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
FREEDOM, noun. (countable) The lack of a specific constraint, or of constraints in general; a state of being free, unconstrained.
FREEDOM, noun. Frankness; openness; unreservedness.
FREEDOM, noun. Improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum.
FREEDOM BREAD, noun. (US) Synonym of French bread.
FREEDOM DRESSING, noun. (US) Synonym of French dressing.
FREEDOM FIGHTER, noun. A person involved in armed conflict against an occupation, or oppressive government, etc.; a revolutionary, an insurgent, a rebel or insurrectionist.
FREEDOM FIGHTERS, noun. Plural of freedom fighter
FREEDOM FINE, noun. (historical) A sum paid on entry to incorporations of trades.
FREEDOM FRIES, noun. (rare) (US) French fries.
FREEDOM KISS, noun. (humorous) Synonym of French kiss.
FREEDOM KISS, verb. (humorous) Synonym of French kiss.
FREEDOM MARCH, noun. (chiefly US) (politics) (public policy) A protest rally by people parading in public streets in opposition to racism and in support of civil rights, especially on behalf of black Americans and especially during the 1960s.
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY, noun. The right of citizens to freely congregate or assemble anywhere should they wish to.
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, noun. The right of citizens to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests
FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, noun. The right of individuals to bargain freely among themselves the terms of their own contracts, without government interference.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, noun. (chiefly US) (legal) The right to express an opinion in public without being restrained or censored.
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION, noun. A legal right of the general public to obtain information held by a government.
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT, noun. The right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state.
FREEDOM OF PANORAMA, noun. (legal) A provision in copyright law that permits taking photographs or video footage, or creating other images (such as paintings), of buildings and sometimes artworks that are permanently located in a public place, and publishing such images without infringing copyright.
FREEDOM OF RELIGION, noun. The right of people to hold any religious beliefs, or none, and to carry out any practices in accordance with those beliefs or with that absence of belief, so long as these practices do not interfere with other people's legal or civil rights, or any reasonable laws, without fear of harm or prosecution.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, noun. The right of citizens to speak, or otherwise communicate, without fear of harm or prosecution.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see freedom,‎ speech.
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, noun. The right of citizens or the media to print, or otherwise disseminate, speech, ideas and opinions without fear or harm of prosecution.
FREEDOM OF THE SEAS, noun. (legal) The doctrine, widely recognized in international law, that, outside of narrow territorial limits, the oceans are open to unhindered navigation by vessels of all countries.
FREEDOM RIDE, noun. (politics) (public policy) In the United States during the 1960s, any one of a number of bus trips through parts of the southern U. S., made by groups of civil rights activists demonstrating their opposition to racial prejudice and segregation.
FREEDOM RIDE, noun. (politics) (public policy) Any one of similar excursions undertaken by protesters in Australia during the 1960s, in opposition to unfair discrimination against Aborigines.
FREEDOM RIDER, noun. (politics) (public policy) In the United States during the 1960s, a civil rights activist who participated in one or more bus trips, known as freedom rides, through parts of the southern U. S. to demonstrate opposition to racial prejudice and segregation.
FREEDOM RIDER, noun. (politics) (public policy) A participant in one or more of the similar excursions undertaken by protesters in Australia during the 1960s, in opposition to unfair discrimination against Aborigines.
FREEDOM RIDES, noun. Plural of freedom ride
FREEDOM TICKLER, noun. (humorous) (US) Synonym of French tickler.
FREEDOM TO ROAM, noun. The general public's right to access public or privately owned land for their own recreation or exercise.
FREEDOM TOAST, noun. (US) Synonym of French toast.

Dictionary definition

FREEDOM, noun. The condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints.
FREEDOM, noun. Immunity from an obligation or duty.

Wise words

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Mark Twain