Associations to the word «Don»
DON, noun. A university professor, particularly one at Oxford or Cambridge.
DON, noun. A mafia boss.
DON, verb. (clothing) to put on, to dress in
DON, proper noun. A diminutive of the male given name Donald or Gordon.
DON, proper noun. A river in European Russia, flowing 1200 miles to the Sea of Azov. Called Tanais in classical sources.
DON, proper noun. A river in Scotland, flowing 62 miles to the North Sea.
DON, noun. (science) dissolved organic nitrogen
DON, noun. Abbreviation of deoxynivalenol., a toxic byproduct of Fusarium head blight of barley
DON JUAN, noun. A man who obsessively seduces women; a philanderer.
DON JUANS, noun. Plural of Don Juan
DON QUIXOTE, proper noun. A Spanish novel whose full title is El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha).
DON QUIXOTE, proper noun. The protagonist of the novel.
DON QUIXOTE, noun. Any person or character who displays quixotism.
DON QUIXOTES, noun. Plural of Don Quixote
DON QUIXOTESQUE, adjective. Resembling or characteristic of the fictional character Don Quixote.
Dictionary definition
DON, noun. A Spanish gentleman or nobleman.
DON, noun. Teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford).
DON, noun. The head of an organized crime family.
DON, noun. Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu.
DON, noun. A European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azov.
DON, noun. A Spanish courtesy title or form of address for men that is prefixed to the forename; "Don Roberto".
DON, verb. Put clothing on one's body; "What should I wear today?"; "He put on his best suit for the wedding"; "The princess donned a long blue dress"; "The queen assumed the stately robes"; "He got into his jeans".
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.