Associations to the word «Dalmatian»

Pictures for the word «Dalmatian»


DALMATIAN, adjective. Relating to Dalmatia or people from Dalmatia.
DALMATIAN, noun. (demonym) A person who is from or who lives in Dalmatia.
DALMATIAN, noun. One of a breed of dog with a short, white coat with dark spots.
DALMATIAN, proper noun. An extinct Romance language of Croatia.
DALMATIAN, proper noun. (historical) Serbo-Croatian in general, as spoken in Dalmatia.
DALMATIAN, noun. Alternative spelling of Dalmatian

Dictionary definition

DALMATIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Dalmatia.
DALMATIAN, noun. A large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots; originated in Dalmatia.
DALMATIAN, adjective. Of or relating to Dalmatia or its inhabitants.

Wise words

Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche