Associations to the word «Crossbreed»


CROSSBREED, verb. (transitive) To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize.
CROSSBREED, verb. (intransitive) To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed.
CROSSBREED, verb. (transitive) To mate (an organism) with another organism so as to produce a hybrid.
CROSSBREED, noun. An organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds.

Dictionary definition

CROSSBREED, noun. (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; "a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey".
CROSSBREED, verb. Breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed".

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