Associations to the word «Cornish»


CORNISH, proper noun. The Celtic language of Cornwall, related to Welsh and Breton.
CORNISH, proper noun. A town in Maine
CORNISH, proper noun. A town in New Hampshire
CORNISH, proper noun. A town in Oklahoma
CORNISH, proper noun. A town in Utah, at the border with Idaho.
CORNISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to Cornwall, a county of southwest England.
CORNISH, adjective. Native to Cornwall.
CORNISH, noun. (collectively) The inhabitants of Cornwall, especially native-born.
CORNISH, noun. One of several decorative rings around the barrel of a cannon; the next ring from the muzzle backwards.
CORNISH ENGINE, noun. A kind of steam engine used mainly for pumping water from mines. It is a form of beam engine. A heavy pump rod or plunger, raised by the steam, forces up the water by its weight in descending.
CORNISH ENGINES, noun. Plural of Cornish engine
CORNISH FAIRING, noun. A traditional ginger biscuit from Cornwall, England, originally sold at fairs.
CORNISH FAIRINGS, noun. Plural of Cornish fairing
CORNISH HEDGE, noun. A kind of hedge built of stone and earth, found in Cornwall, England.
CORNISH HEDGES, noun. Plural of Cornish hedge
CORNISH HURLING, noun. An outdoor team game of Celtic origin played in Cornwall, England, with a small silver ball.
CORNISH PASTIE, noun. A kind of pie with meat and vegetables in a thick hearty sauce, not baked in a pie pan, but rather in a large piece of folded-over pastry dough, crimped shut, then baked on a sheet.
CORNISH PASTIES, noun. Plural of Cornish pasty
CORNISH PASTY, noun. A kind of meat pie, one not baked in a pie pan, but rather, in a large piece of folded-over pastry dough, crimped shut, then baked on a sheet. There is no one standard recipe, but it always includes meat and vegetables in a thick hearty sauce.
CORNISH REX, noun. A medium size, short wavy hair domestic cat breed originating in Great Britain.
CORNISH WRESTLING, noun. A form of wrestling, similar to judo, traditionally practised in Cornwall

Dictionary definition

CORNISH, noun. A Celtic language spoken in Cornwall.
CORNISH, noun. English breed of compact domestic fowl; raised primarily to crossbreed to produce roasters.
CORNISH, adjective. Of or related to Cornwall or its people or the Cornish language.

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton