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Associations to the word «Confound»


CONFOUND, verb. To confuse; to mix up; to puzzle.
CONFOUND, verb. To fail to see the difference; to mix up; to confuse right and wrong.
CONFOUND, verb. To make something worse.
CONFOUND, verb. To cause to be ashamed; to abash.
CONFOUND, verb. To defeat, to frustrate, to thwart.
CONFOUND, verb. (dated) To damn (a mild oath).
CONFOUND, verb. (archaic) To bring to ruination.
CONFOUND, verb. To stun, amaze
CONFOUND, noun. (statistics) a confounding variable

Dictionary definition

CONFOUND, verb. Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher".
CONFOUND, verb. Mistake one thing for another; "you are confusing me with the other candidate"; "I mistook her for the secretary".

Wise words

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words.
Robert Louis Stevenson