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Associations to the word «Calyptra»


CALYPTRA, noun. (botany) In bryophytes, a thin, hood of tissue that forms from the archegonium and covers the developing sporophyte and is shed as it ripens.
CALYPTRA, noun. (botany) any cap-like covering of a flower or fruit, such as the operculum over the unopened buds of Eucalyptus flowers
CALYPTRA, noun. (botany) Any of various coverings at the tips of structures, in the terminology of various authors; for example rootcaps and the apical cells of trichomes.
CALYPTRA, noun. (entomology) In flies such as the housefly, Musca, in the taxonomic order Diptera, zoological section Schizophora, subsection Calyptrata, the calyptra is a membranous rearward extension of the forewing; it covers the haltere.

Dictionary definition

CALYPTRA, noun. The hood or cap covering the calyx of certain plants: e.g., the California poppy.

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.