Associations to the word «Yea»
YEA, adverb. (dated) Yes.
YEA, adverb. Thus, so (now often accompanied by a hand gesture).
YEA, conjunction. (archaic) Or even, or more like, nay. Introduces a stronger and more appropriate expression than the preceding one.
YEA, interjection. (in some dialects of American English, including Southern, Western, and African American Vernacular) Yeah, right, yes.
YEA, interjection. Misspelling of yay.
YEA, interjection. (proscribed) Alternative form of yeah.
YEA, noun. An affirmative vote, usually but not always spoken
Dictionary definition
YEA, noun. An affirmative; "The yeas have it".
YEA, adverb. Not only so, but; "I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice".
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.